The 12 Week Scan - Baby #2

As I type this it's 10:00am on Monday morning and at 1:30pm today we have our 12 week scan! Every emotion is currently running through my core and my belly is in knots but above all else I'm so excited. I hope everything goes well.

We've now had our scan and first of all let me say that everything went fine! I was so nervous when in the waiting room. My belly was churning and I felt sick even. I'd felt those first flutters a couple of nights before my scan and although they'd put my mind at ease somewhat the anxiety remained.

After a brief wait we were quickly called to ultrasound room. On entering I jumped on the table, whipped down my leggings and got out my belly. It was like taking a trip down memory lane! When the baby popped up on the screen all the worry left my body and I felt I could breathe again. The moment you see your baby on the screen is just one of the most incredible experiences and I imagine that feeling never gets old, no matter how many children you have. The sonographer was really nice and she talked us all the way through the scan and confirmed that everything was okay. Unlike Noah at his 12 week scan this baby cooperated and made the sonographer's job a lot easier. The lady showed us every nook and cranky of our baby and we saw them jumping, wiggling and rolling around. At one point she zoomed right up to the little feet and it was one of the sweetest things I've ever seen, teenie tiny feet rubbing up against one another just like I do for comfort. 

On leaving the room both Nick and I were on cloud 9. We paid for our scan photo and then had to wait to see a nurse for the routine tests. During the midwife visit I was surprised to find my iron levels are great this time around and I think that's because I've been eating a lot of spinach and leafy green lately as I didn't want to have to take iron supplements this pregnancy.

My next midwife appointment is at 16 weeks and around that time we will also be having our private gender scan too! We are so excited!

Any early bets? Do you think team blue or team pink?


  1. Oh those scans.. I still have them all. I went private on my second and I had so many scans the I got sick of them eventually lol
    I still think boy.

  2. A girl would be nice, as then you would have one of each. Though I am sure you would welcome another boy. Noah is such a lovely looking boy. He seems to look mor grown up / mature in your recent photographs of him.

    I can recall a friend being very excited about going for her 12 week scan. Understandable as though she had xhildren, she had also had miscarriages following having those children. I remember phoning her to find out how the scan had went. Twins, she was thrilled. She later had her identical twin girls, and as they were growing up :- so like their mum when she was a child. Meanwhile they chatted away, as the Best of Friends. Truly Delightful.

    Rachel Craig

  3. My neice has had her 4 D scan -they are fabulous and so clear
    She's had lots of problems with her iron levels too

  4. It's so exciting, I think it's a boy

    Kirsty Fox

  5. Love seeing others beautiful journey through pregnancy
    Enjoy every moment

  6. The scans can be one of the most exciting things about being pregnant. I think it's a girl!

  7. Scan pictures seem so much clearer nowadays, than they did years ago. Are you tempted to go shopping for items for the baby to be? As quite natural to be excited. Or are you keen to look through Noah's baby clothes, as there might well be quite a few items that you can make use of.

    Rachel Craig

  8. Expect all family and friends are delighted and excited now with the news that you are expecting another baby. Will you have a baby shower? They seem quite popular nowadays.

    Rachel Craig

  9. My neice has had another scan at 8 months -amazing quality pictures

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  11. Scan pictures are so clear now

  12. write for us technology blog4 October 2023 at 11:13

    The 12-week scan is a milestone in pregnancy, offering a first glimpse of the growing baby. write for us technology blog It resonates with expectant parents, reminding us of the wonder and anticipation that surrounds new life.

  13. This introduction captures the emotional rollercoaster of the 12-week scan, from the anxious anticipation to the overwhelming joy of seeing the baby
    on the screen. The author's vivid description of the experience, including the baby's movements and tiny feet, brings the moment to life. Their excitement about the upcoming gender scan adds a sense of anticipation, making readers share in their journey.
