22 & 23 Weeks Pregnant.

The picture does the set no justice whatsoever. The wood is a richer colour and it's a lot more sturdier. I think they need to hire a new photographer!
Everything seems to be coming together and the next step will be choosing the colour scheme for our nursery and decorating! That will be next week!
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22 & 23 Weeks Pregnant.
I have just come to the end of week 23 and decided to do another double post from my experiences of week 22 & 23. I literally have had no bad symptoms whatsoever! My energy levels are back to normal, I feel fantastic, no nausea, dizzy spells, no nothing. I am loving it! Really appreciating this easy going time as I know I have had it pretty good and I know that the third trimester can be tough.
The only thing that has really changed is I am starting to struggle getting up when sat or led down. The bump is starting to get in the way a bit more. I have noticed that I have begun sitting, crouching and even standing differently. Again I find it hard to notice if the bump has got any bigger as I think it's harder to tell when you see it every day but in the past few days I have felt a growth spurt. My belly has started getting tighter and it's begun to itch. Especially around my belly button area. I have also gotten my first stretch mark on my stomach. It's only tiny and I know it will be the first of many! I have been applying creams and oil but not religiously as I know that genetics play a bigger role in stretch marks. If you are going to get them, you will get them! This bump photo was taken at 22 weeks. I am having to wear Maternity clothes now too. This dress was bought from the Topshop Maternity range and it's so comfy!
Baby boy is now 11 inches long and weights a whopping 1.1lb! His little "poke" kicks have become much stronger and you can now see his movements through my clothes. At first I could just feel him around my stomach area but as he is getting bigger I can now feel him at my ribs and as far around as my side. He is still the most active at night time. His kicks woke me up for the very first time last night! It was 3am and it felt like he was running a marathon inside me! He tends to sleep most the day and I hope that isn't the case when he is here! Awake all night and sleeping all day! I could literally just lie there all day just watching his movements. It's amazing. I love him so much!
We decided we wanted to buy our nursery furniture this week too. I literally went on so many websites to find a good quality set that was not too expensive and I found the whole process so frustrating. There aren't many stores now that you can walk into and view the furniture before you buy and that was my problem. We decided to drive over to our local Babies R Us as they had some great deals on and I knew they had the furniture on show. We literally walked in and both wandered over to one cot in particular and we just knew it was the one for us. We briefly looked at the others but we had already made our mind up. There was an incredible deal on the set and we got the cot bed, shelving with changing unit and wardrobe for just £250! We couldn't believe the deal. My partners parent's promised to buy us the cot so we rang them to let them know that we had chosen and that the cot bed on it's own was £100 but they kindly offered to pay for the whole set! It was incredibly generous of them and I am so thankful! I think I got all teary!

The picture does the set no justice whatsoever. The wood is a richer colour and it's a lot more sturdier. I think they need to hire a new photographer!
Everything seems to be coming together and the next step will be choosing the colour scheme for our nursery and decorating! That will be next week!
Can't believe how everything is happening so fast. In 17 weeks I could be giving birth. In 9 weeks I will have finished work for a year. In 3 months our son will be here!
Well they do say time flies when you are having fun!
Well they do say time flies when you are having fun!