The time has come and I am finally on maternity leave. This is my first day and it just feels like a day off. I don't think I have come to the terms with it yet. I do intend on taking the full year but you never know I may want to go back a little earlier. When I do go back I am only going back on a part time basis of three days. My work colleague's were kind enough to all sign a card and even had a collection for the baby on my last day. I was very overwhelmed and will miss them while I am on leave.
If you have read any of my previous posts you will know I have been pretty organised when it comes to preparing for the baby. His nursery is already decorated, his clothes already in the wardrobe, he pretty much has everything that he needs and probably all the stuff he doesn't need too. So it doesn't really leave me with much to do during the weeks up till his birth. I intend on giving the house a top to bottom clean as I want it to be spotless when he comes home. Other than that I am just going to sleep as much as I can and take it easy before he arrives and perhaps read a book or two.
I have my baby shower to look forward to in two weeks time. My mother in law to be is organising it and I am so grateful for it. I have only invited close family and friends and it's going to be brilliant to see them all come together to celebrate our little one. I am not normally one of these people who likes to be in the limelight. I never had an 18th or a 21st party or even an Engagement do but our boy needs celebrating!
Last but not least I am going to spend as much quality time as I can with my Nick. These next 6 weeks (more or less) will be the last weeks of it just being the two of us. The last few weeks of us just being a couple. After our son is here we will be a family and just typing that gives me goosebumps! We really cannot wait. Our life is about to change so much and we are ready for it! Roll on November!