The 20 Week Scan - Baby #2

It only feels like yesterday when we went for our 12 week scan but believe it or not today I'm here to write all about the 20 week scan. It's crazy how fast this pregnancy is flying by, it really is. I don't know if it's because you don't count the days as closely with your second or if it's because you already have a child who takes up a lot of your attention. Perhaps it's a little bit of both?

On the 5th October we had our 20 week scan booked for first thing in the morning. We dropped Noah off at his Nan's before we went as children aren't allowed at the 20 week scan. I was so nervous whilst we waited in the waiting room, more so than I was with Noah. 

Thankfully I didn't need to wait long on a full bladder as I was called into the scan room a few moments later. I hopped onto the bed and the sonographer applied the warm gel (they have a water bath now which keeps it warm - I think I preferred it cold?) Within a few seconds we saw our baby on the screen, wriggling and squirming around. My heart skipped a beat and I couldn't help but smile when I saw her again.

The sonographer asked permission to begin the anomaly scan and told us she would check everything, take the measurements and photo's that she needed and then let us know how everything was. In those moments where everything is silent, when they are looking at everything with such concentration and into so much detail you can't help but feel like you can't breathe. My heart was pounding in my chest and I kept looking from screen to the sonographer to see if her face was giving anything away. The minutes feel like hours and you just want to know that everything is okay. 

Around 15 minutes into our scan the sonographer stopped and said so far everything looked fine but because of the babies position she couldn't get a comprehensive look at the heart and a few other things so I was asked to leave the room and walk around. Walking around with a full bladder is no easy feat and neither is deciding to climb a couple of flights of stairs for good measure either. It was quite nice to walk around the building though as it's where I gave birth to Noah. I'd roamed the same halls trying to kick start labour once my induction had started and I remember coming down the same stairs when we were taking Noah home too. It left the both of us feeling very nostalgic.  

After I'd walked about for a five minutes or so I was called back into the room and we picked up where we left off. The baby had thankfully played ball and was in a great position to allow the sonographer to check everything else that she needed to. Around 15 minutes later we were told that everything appeared fine and I can't tell you the relief I felt. She then asked if we'd like to know the gender and although we already know I of course said yes because two confirmation is better than one, less room for error! She had a look for a few moments and then said "looks like a girl to me!" So that's my instinct and two gender checks saying girl now. I think it's time to start buying pinks, frills and florals. Oh wait..  


  1. I was really nervous before my 20 week scan too! Its amazing to see how much bigger baby gets from 12 weeks to 20!

    1. Isn't it just! Thinking of booking a 4D scan in third trimester as I love scans so much!

  2. Yes the 20 week scan is the anomaly scan i.e. A scan which takes some time in which the Sonographer is checking various organs, measurements etc to determine if everything is fine. So there is always the possibility that there may be a concern. So understandable that children not present for the scan. The children are likely delighted with seeing a photograph of scan picture if parents feel it is appropriate. Children find it difficult to be patient, months will seem an eternity to wait for their sibling. Though it can be nice to share information regarding pregnancy, such as is appropriate for person and circumstances etc.

    You are half way there time wise, it must feel exciting. No wonder you are tempted to go shopping. Enjoy preparing for baby.

    Rachel Craig

    1. Yeah, we knew that and it's totally understandable. Thank you :)

  3. Exciting times
    Remember my neice telling me she was pregnant in January
    Now she's a proud mummy of a beautiful baby girl -11 days today
    Goes so fast x

  4. I think I literally bought everything pink that I could find after the scan confirmed my youngest was a girl, have fun shopping.

  5. oh bless you - I remember being terrified at each of my 20 week scans. enjoy the girly shopping xx

  6. Scan pictures look so much clearer / accurate that they did in the past. A nice momento.

    Rachel Craig

  7. I imagine Baby to be's wardrobe is quickly filling up.

    Rachel Craig

  8. Have you compared this scan picture with Scn picture of 1st pregnancy at the same stage?

    Rachel Craig

  9. I always find it both exciting and nervous when going for a scan, exciting to see the baby but a little nervous that all may not be as it should. Always makes the pregnancy more real when you see her/him for the first time

  10. I have my 12 week scan on Wednesday and I really cant wait to see my bubba xx

  11. Wow, must be so weird to look back when they're both getting so big now!! Bet you're broody for a third! x
