5 Ways To Save On Your Energy Bill This Winter

Winter is a magical time of year, one that's full of family festivities and many happy memories. That being said it's also a very expensive time of year too. Not only do you have Christmas just around the corner and have lots of presents to buy but with the drop in temperature, you see a huge rise in your energy usage. Christmas costs and sky-high energy bills, those are certainly the bane of my Winter but they do come part and parcel with the time of year. With this in mind, I thought I would put together a blog post all about the numerous ways you can save on your energy bills this Winter.

1. Compare energy providers.
My first tip and perhaps the most important one is to check online energy comparison websites to make sure you are on the best deal available. At this time of year they can offer up some great deals and providers can become quite competitive with one another. It really pays to check those websites frequently as you can really save a lot of money. 

2. Wear lots of layers
This is a no-brainer but something I didn't start doing until recently. I'd often find myself walking around my house in a thin jumper, leggings and no socks, complaining that I was cold and then I'd crank up the heating! I now make sure I wear more layers and have found that I'm not using the heating half as much, I feel like a fool for not doing this sooner.

3. Switch to LED bulbs.
This can be quite pricey to begin with but switching to LED bulbs saves you a small fortune in the long run. We've been using them throughout our house for the past two years and have really noticed a difference in our annual bills. You don't compromise on light quality at all by making this switch but you save a lot of energy and money.

4. Banish the drafts.
Don't let drafts get through every nook and cranny in your home. There are simple actions you can do such as closing your curtains and using draft excludes can help a lot by keeping warm air in and the cold air out. 

5. Insulate your home.
There are various insulation deals out there that are free and have absolutely no catch at all. By making these kinds of improvements to your home you are not making it more energy efficient but you can save hundreds of pounds a year.

If you'd like to read about more energy and money-saving tips simply head over to Premier Bathrooms who've put together a fantastic article on all the ways that you can save this winter.

- This is a collaborative post.


  1. I'm going through gas something shopping this weather so I'm definitely going to try out a few of these tips. Luckily we do have a coal fire in the living room but upstairs is constantly freezing. x

  2. I've been wearing more layers, and lighting the fire more instead of turning the heat on! Totally makes a difference xx

  3. Thanks for the tips, some great info. I need to try a few because my bill is always high x

  4. Thanks for the tips, some great info. I need to try a few because my bill is always high x

  5. Really good tips and reminders, thank you. I really need to get up to date with researching all my provider options.

  6. Some fab tips, we are with e.on and are constantly topping up our gas and our electric is even worse xxx
