Get in shape in time for the New Year

It might only be November, but the New Year will be upon us before we know it. Although this time of year is great for partying and having fun, the celebrations can often seem a bit daunting if you're not confident with how your body looks. After all, how much better would the celebrations be if you could fit into your favourite dress or suit? If you think you've left it too late to get in shape before January, think again. Here are some of the best ways to do it.

Attempt a fitness challenge
This is a great way of keeping yourself motivated because you should start to see some progress every day. There are plenty of fitness challenges out there, including squat challenges and the 22-Push-Up Challenge, just to name a few. Build up your reps each day, and you'll be amazed at just how much your fitness levels will improve. Of course, you can select a challenge that targets the area of the body you want to work on, but it could be a good idea to mix things up so that you don't get bored of doing the same workout.

Take on a boot camp
If you've left your fitness regime really late, don't panic. A top-class fitness boot camp that's organised by Prestige Boot Camp will put you on the right track to achieving the body you've always wanted. Their boot camps are situated in some of the most picturesque places in the UK and further afield and can last anywhere from a day to a week. Each camp is led by some of the best military personal trainers and focuses on strength, conditioning, fitness and nutrition, and will leave you feeling inspired, motivated and ready to take your new habits into the New Year.

Join a sports club
If you're reading this in November, then you still have plenty of time to drastically change the way you feel about yourself in time for the New Year. Joining a sports club is a great way to do this because you'll be taking part in an activity that you feel passionate about, alongside people who are working towards the same goals as you. Try and set yourself a target of taking part in your new club at least once or twice a week. Not only will you start to feel great, but you could also make some friends, so it's a great way of socialising, too.

Workout from home
A home workout is a great way of staying in shape if you lack time to hit the gym or join a sports club. Squats, dips, push-ups, sit-ups, planks and so much more can be done on your living room floor, or why not use some tin cans as weights to get those muscles pumping? If you start now and get into a routine of working out two, three or four times a week from home, then you should see some noticeable improvements in time for New Year.

- This is a PR Collaboration 


  1. I really hope to start swimming in the New Year if my new crohn's disease treatment works

  2. Great ways to challenge im going to u the walking distance

  3. Some great tips here, I definitely need to start working out at home again but with 2 boys to run around after who can find the time.

  4. some very good tips thank-you!

  5. My wife is a size 10 going on 8, and keeps slim and fit by being OCD on cleanliness! She completely cleans the house from top to bottom every week! She calls dust "The spawn of the Devil"... lol

  6. I bought a cross trainer in June that I was using religiously but I've been ill since September and I haven't used it in a while. I'm really hoping to start using it again next week and try to get myself in shape again. It also works wonders for my anxiety.

  7. I love doing High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) to keep fit

  8. Gosh I'm super lazy, but I need to get it shape! I might try some of the fitness DVDs at home as I feel too uncomfortable to go to the gym xo

  9. Some great ideas here :). Working out at home really works for me. I think it's underrated, but then of course it's all about finding out what works for you.
