Mum Moments With Hotel Chocolat - Hotel Chocolat Sleekster - Competition

Mother's Day is right around the corner, at the end of the month! This year marks my fourth Mother's Day and my first since becoming a mother of two just ten days ago. To mark the occasion I've teamed up with Hotel Chocolat to write a post all about my favourite Mum moments and to give away a Hotel Chocolat Sleekster to one lucky reader. If you'd like to win make sure to read the post and enter below.

There are so many special moments which spring to mind when I think about motherhood and my children. From all the first's and the milestones through to watching my son grow into the sweetest soul over the past three years. There was so many moments like those to choose from that I had to go with the monumental moments, the day my children were born. 

Seeing my babies and holding them for the first time was everything I ever imagined to be, totally overwhelming. With my son I was given drugs in labour so I was a little spaced out when he was born but I remember that instant love flick on inside me like a switch, though a little bit foggy! I gave birth to my daughter just ten days ago and although her labour was very difficult I was a little more with it when she made her appearance into the world. Everything was so clear and the familiar searing love flooded through my veins, there really is nothing like it. I wish I could bottle up that feeling and sell it, I would be a millionaire!

Besides the birth of our daughter I experienced another very special moment last week. My son meeting his sister for the very first time! All throughout my pregnancy I continuously thought of ways to make the big life event as easy on Noah as I could. I included him in everything and spoke about my bump and his baby sister often but not too much that it was all he heard. I also bought him one of his favourite toys as a present from his baby sister. 

When he came to visit us at the hospital it was the morning after she was born as we'd had to stay over night. I hadn't seen Noah in two days with my long labour and hospital stay so when I saw his Spider-Man wellies approach my cubicle I couldn't help but feel a little choked up. He must have felt the same because as soon as he saw me his bottom lip wobble and he climbed right into my arms. I gave him the biggest cuddle and told him how much I'd missed him and how much I loved him. Once he was comfortable I told him to look behind him as his little sister was there and really wanted to meet him. I had her all wrapped up in her cot and when he saw her he smiled. I didn't force him to go and see her and he happily sat on my lap whilst I introduced them to one another. He then shared some ever so sweet moments with her which I managed to get on camera.

Ever since he's been very gentle and often refers to her as "his baby" or "baby Ava." I can't wait to see their relationship grow as they both get older, sibling squabbles and all. 

Hotel Chocolat is my absolute favourite chocolate and their range of Mother's Day chocolates are out of this world. They kindly sent me one of their Mother's Day Sleekster tray to indulge in over the Mother's Day weekend and I have to admit that I've tucked into them already! The Mother's Day Sleekster costs £22.50 and contains 27 chocolates from truffles through to florentines. How would you like to win one? To enter all you need to do is use the Gleam form below. Good luck and don't forget to enter my other blog competitions!

Hotel Chocolat Sleekster worth £22.50

Terms & Conditions.                                                                                                 
1. There will be 1 winner who will win 1 Hotel Chocolat Sleekster.
2. Prize sent directly by the PR. 
3. Competition ends 09/04/17
4. Incomplete entries with be disqualified. 
5. UK entries only.


  1. My favourite mum moment so far was introducing my five year old to her new baby brother last year :)

  2. Just the little every day things, everything that makes me smile!

  3. Taking my mum on her first holiday to lanzarote -priceless

  4. seeing my Daughter become a Mum, she is an awesome Mum to our little Grandson and we are so proud of her.

  5. When I brought home my second child my main hope was that my first child wouldn’t hate her (and me). I also hoped he wouldn’t smother her if I left the room and wouldn’t throw matchbox cars at her head. Never did I imagine that they’d actually like each other! If there is one thing more adorable than the uncontrollable giggle of a small child it is the uncontrollable giggles of two. Especially when they are laughing at each other. He loves nothing more then playing with and watching over his little sister. Makes me so proud.

  6. Becoming a mam for the first time! I gave birth to my first and eldest son naturally and held him in my arms within seconds of his birth – it was magical!

  7. My favourite moments growing up was whenever I got hurt or anything, I would go to my mom and she would give me a kiss, a hug and tell me everything would be okay. And like a magic balm over a wound, it worked. Everything was always soon better :)

  8. I don't have just one favourite Mum moment I have a lifetime of them :) x

  9. Many over the years but I would always enjoy when it rained and we'd go for a walk putting whatever we had over our hair(once a plastic carrier bag). Nothing ever stopped us venturing out!

  10. Aww first I want to say CONGRATULATIONS on the birth of your adorable baby girl and congratulations to BIG brother Noah! :)
    My favourite mum moment would definitely be the day my baby girl was born, seeing this little bundle of joy in my arms was just Incredible and overwhelming, your right, if you was to sell that as a memory we would be millionaires :)

  11. There has been many, but my favourite all time was when Jack giggle for the very first time, it was infectious and thats when I fell in love with the sound of his laughter.

  12. Probably being at my child's birth and watching my wife become a mum, with my own mum there for support as well. My 2 favourite mums!

  13. It would have to be the birth of my twins x

  14. Nothing makes me feel better than a hug from my Mum!

  15. My favourite Mum moment at the minute is listening to my son read as he is just learning. Makes me feel so proud :)

  16. I have so many, probably watching my boys grow up into little men. It happens so quickly, I try to keep bold of them

  17. mine was last week catching my son shaving for the first time

  18. I don't really have one. I lost my mum when I was 9 years old & I'm not a mum myself

    1. I hope that one day you do have a Motherly Moment. Luckily I still have my Wonderful Mother. Though at 5 years of age my Dad died suddenly of a heart attack. His sister was emotionally close to my family. I recall gifting her God -Mother items on Mothers Day, as I believed it could express that I appreciated her Care, Love and Emotional Support etc that she lavished on myself and my family.

      Rachel Craig

    2. Thank you. Hopefully one day. I'm so used to just relying on myself & not having that 1 person that I can trust 100% but also think it has made me a much stronger person.
      Sorry to hear about your dad. How lovely for you to have kept a close relationship with your aunt though.

  19. Every moment is special as a mum. Treasure them all including the sleepless nights, tantrums and terribke twos. Before you know it they are teenagers...yak ha ha. Fab giveaway. Fingers crossed x

  20. Every moment is special as a mum. Treasure them all including the sleepless nights, tantrums and terribke twos. Before you know it they are teenagers...yak ha ha. Fab giveaway. Fingers crossed x

  21. I think that would have to be when I had my first baby and my mum was there as well for her first grandchild.

  22. I think it would be showing me how to bake

  23. I have so many happy Mum moments, but one that always stands out is when we surprised the kids with a day out at a theme park. They thought we were going on a picnic and that we 'made a wrong turn' going into the car park, but they twigged when we got out of the car & started heading towards the entrance. I will never forget the happy squeals from that day.

  24. Congratulations on the birth of your daughter :) I love it when my son comes up to me randomly in the day just to tell me that he loves me :)

  25. Has to be when our dog dragged her into the lake whilst chasing some ducks :)

  26. My favourite mum comment is "if you watch any more TV, you'll get square eyes"

  27. when she saw my daughter for the first time when she was born :)

  28. Mum telling me how proud she is of me

  29. always being there for me on a regular basis

  30. always being there for me on a regular basis

  31. when my daughter was born and how emotional and happy my mum was!

  32. when my daughter says "love you mummy have a good day" as I take her to school

  33. Elizabeth Hinds16 March 2017 at 13:26

    Whenever my daughters tell me they love me. My eldest is nearly 10 and it never gets old - it makes all the hard times worthwhile!

  34. My favourite mum moment is when my children are so excited to me as they come home from school

  35. My eldest son graduating from university was a really special mum moment, he was the first member of our family to go to uni and I am so proud of him

  36. Mine is when my mum was trying to remember a particular song, and in the end she thought it might that one called: Johnny B Sloop :D

  37. Seeing my baby for the first time, I had waited so long to have one

  38. One of my favourite mom moments was when my son was 6, half way through his Christmas assembly, he stopped the performances, waving at me with a big smile on his face. My heart just melted. He looked so proud of himself.

  39. My favourite Mam moment was the first time my little girl came and found me to give me a hug without being picked up or asked for one. It's nice to know they love you back xx

  40. The moment that i lay my eyes on my first child, that moment in being a mother is undescribable and life changing, with a new love, that you didnt know about til that moment x

  41. My Mum loves to sing, even though she's a bit tone deaf and can never remember the words so just makes them up. I always picture her singing to herself in the kitchen on a Sunday morning.

  42. My mum and I going on holiday together to Madrid. We had so much fun and my mum riding a bike was so funny!

  43. First of all congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby girl x
    I have so many special mum moments but the most magical were when I held my daughters for the first time and being told it's twins in my second pregnancy

  44. So many! mostly good and some very tough times. I'm proud of my children and how they have coped with things

  45. my son turning almost overnight from a stroppy layabout teenager to a hardworking responsible adult

  46. Far too many moments to choose from, I have many happy mum memories.

  47. Hugging my sons when I towered over them and now being hugged by them when they tower over me.

  48. When my little girl comes to me and tells me (without prompting) that I'm 'the best mammy ever.' Balm to my soul as I sometimes feel so useless at everything, especially dealing with her older brother who has ASD.

  49. My favourite mum moment was when we went to Las Vegas together we had a blast and so much fun x

  50. Days when there are no planned kids activities and we can just chill out.

  51. I have had many Mum Moments with my own Mum. We have enjoyed sharing time together at the Cinema, Theatre etc. I loved treating her to outings etc, and she thoroughly enjoyed shows such as Francie and Josie etc in my company. She became hard of hearing, and would ask me anything she had missed. Being an excellent lip reader, a skill she picked up unconsciously :- Having worked in a noisy working enviroment of a canvas making mill. The availability of Digital hearing aid has given her some access to conversations etc. Though she does inform me that unfortunately hearing aid amplifies background noise which can be an inconvenience and uncomfortable unfortunately. Makes me wonder if society / culture should return to a more quietly Respectful way of communicating i

    1. i.e. one voice at a time. Respectfully not disturbing others etc e.g. In library etc.

      Rachel Craig

  52. Every min spent with my mum is special

  53. My youngest's cheeky smile

  54. My favourite mum moment just now is my little boy who's just turned 2 has learned how to do proper kisses. I don't get kisses from my near 9 year old anymore lol

  55. When I read to my chide at bedtime. Quality time with a goodnight kiss and a big hug. Daily reminder of how lucky and blessed I feel.

  56. My favourite mum moment was with my own mum - after a very hard few years and in my late 20s I was able to take my mum away for a night - we saw a show at the Bristol Hippodrome and went out for a posh meal :) It was the first holiday either of us had had since I was 12 and so also the first time we'd been away since I was an adult - and it was so special for both of us

  57. My favourite mum moment is when my kids became mums too.

  58. lynsey Buchanan26 March 2017 at 06:39

    My Mum Moment was when my daughter was born and I seen her face for the first time and the feeling of overpowering love that washed over me.

  59. My favourite part when they were babies was my night feed. It was quiet, still and just the two of us. Such a special time

  60. The first time I held my son and gazed into his beautiful blue eyes.

  61. Like you, I had a very difficult labour when my daughter was born just over 27 years ago and I still remember that feeling of instant, total, overwhelming love the moment I saw her. She died shortly after birth and was officially dead for 24 minutes and the agony I went through during that 24 minute lifetime is sitll undescribable, but joyfully the amazing paediatrician managed to resuscitate her and the relief at hearing her cry again was a giddy moment and I shall forever be grateful that the paediatrician refused to give up on her. I only ever was able to have one child and I was indeed blessed with an angel who is now grown up and married and lives not too far away and still loves coming to vivit her mum whenever she can for hugs and chats and she will forever be my baby.

    Miriam Said

  62. My daughter was a late walker at 16 months old and 2 days before xmas she decided to just let go of hanging onto the sofa and started trotting about, she melted my heart that day just seeing her so happy that she found her feet xx

  63. I'm due to have my 8th baby in May, with that many children there's always a great mum moment! x

  64. Reading with them! Congratulations btw!! x

  65. everytime we go on holiday together as a family

  66. Congratulations! When I was younger I liked it when I wemt on holiday with my mum, just us two

  67. everytime my little one jumps on me in the morning. I cant help but smile! X

  68. Watching my daughter play the violin and feeling so proud.

  69. My favourite mum moment was hearing mama for the first time.

  70. First hearing my son say Mama.

  71. The first time my son said mama, he was nearly 3 and i cried

  72. Mine was becoming a mum two my two beautiful children.

  73. Having three boys i have had many great mum moments but seeing them grow up to be kind and loving and doing well at school is very special

  74. Every day there is a new best mum moment!

  75. Having two sons who are amazing! Everyday i feel blessed. Congratulations to you, enjoy x

  76. Cuddles from my boys make everything better :)

  77. Watching my 2 & 6 year olds play nicely together!

  78. I have so many lovely Mum moment memories but one is very special. It was when we brought my daughter home from hospital and for the first time me, my daughter, my husband and my son (who was 2 years old) were all cuddled up close together on the sofa. I couldn't believe how incredibly lucky I was.

    Hazel Rea - @beachrambler

  79. unexpected cuddles are my favorite thing.

  80. first steps a them saying i love you,even saying mummy for the first time its all so special

  81. when the kids say love you mummy for no reason x :) x

  82. Those new milestones and proud mummy moments, who knew how proud you can be!

  83. Awww how beautiful she is! Congratulations on your new little treasure.

  84. Has to be getting a nice suprise of them especially when they are so excited to show you it even if it is something simple as a drawing it still lovely.

  85. My favourite mum moment was when I managed to take my five children to Disney World Florida after saving for seven years. There faces just made it the most wonderful experience.

  86. The smiles, the giggles, and watching a face full of fascination as our wee one discovers something new!

  87. All of them - from holding my new born babe, through first days at school to graduation and ever onwards - every day is amazing

  88. Holding her first grandchild so emotional you'd think she'd never seen a baby ! Lol

  89. Being s new mum for the first time at 18 having to grow up quick

  90. There is no favourite. all the moments I had with my mum were mum moments.

  91. All the times she sacrificed her own needs for ours. There were so many.

  92. I have three. Each time I waited months to meet my three daughters, it was excellent despite the pain of labour to finally get to hold them and express my love. It's just an amazing feeling that only a mum can understand.

  93. Eating one of my mum's cakes. Packet mix but still awesome.

  94. My favourite mum comment is "if you watch any more TV, you'll get square eyes"

  95. Jodie Thompson8 April 2017 at 14:13

    My favourite mum moment was bringing my son home from neo-natal for the first time on Christmas eve, then spending the evening having newbie cuddles and getting excited excited for santa with my girls

  96. So so many, watching my eldest graduate university with a 1st, seeing my son pass his theory test and my middle daughter getting a job. So many more though. Seeing them becoming strong, independent adults.

  97. When my kids just randomly come our with "I love you mam" and you know in that moment they were really thinking about how much they love you.

  98. My Mums been through such a lot in these last few years. But even during some of her harder times, she's always been there to support me through my own highs and lows.

  99. Watching my son learn new things, it is always amazing and makes me proud

  100. I don't have a mother moment as she left us behind when i was six because she would rather party than look after 3 kids so my mum moment goes to my dad who did fantastic taking on mum and dad rolls together, not something that was easy back in the 1970s

  101. That beautiful angelic smile first thing on a morning x

  102. Getting my cat, Graycie :)

  103. Having my children and seding my children hsve children its just awesome

  104. for me its something that happens every day and that i cherish completely, when i put my baby girls to bed we snuggle up and have a warm milk and read a story, they both look at me and my eldest says i love you mummy and goodnight. my youngest cant talk yet haha. its such a beautiful moment between us were everything else from the day vanishes :)

  105. spending time with my mum learning to sew. Learnt lots, talked lots

  106. Just a few days ago my eldest won an art competition in school, she's five, the pride was immense :)

  107. St Paul's Cathedral when my daughter was 10
    and sang for the queen for her Diamond Jubilee :-)

  108. my daughter mastering walking with her walker is a proud mum moment

  109. being there when my granddaugher was born 5 days ago

  110. When we have a really good day with no tantrums or misbehving and people comment how lovely my kids are!

  111. hearing my daughter saying "I wuv you"! for the first time

  112. There are so many beautiful moments that it's hard to pick a favourite but I'll never forget the love I felt when I saw my son for the first time. I waited a long time for him.

  113. Everyday is a special moms day as you should treasure each one xx

  114. My favourite mum moment is my son giving me his first hug 🤗 it was such a moment of pure love

  115. My daughter growing up and becoming a wonderful mum!

  116. When my son who is obsessed with gymnastics got picked to join the boy's squad and won 2 medals in his first competition. He was over the moon and we were so proud of him

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  118. Well, I have too many to count. But one was when my autistic son asked "why," for the very first time. He had only made statements, not actually asked "why," about anything. Then one day, he did ... and then he didn't stop! That was when he was 6 and he's 10 now and doesn't stop asking questions, which is brilliant.

  119. In all honesty, I have far too many favourite mum moments that I could never just describe one. I absolutely love being a mum and have favourite moments with my girls countless times each day. They make me so proud to be a mum!

  120. Seeing my daughter perform on stage for the first time, was lovely xx

  121. Having my first scan. I am currently 3 months pregnant with my first and just saw bubs bouncing around

  122. Bed time haha! I mean story time obviously ;)

  123. My favourite mummy moment is hearing my son tell me on a daily basis how much he loves me and it's definitely more than captain America :)

  124. i love picking the kids up from school and they run out shouting mu and giving me a big hug i feel like the most important person in that little moment it never gets old

  125. The 1st time my son was handed to me after 3 years of yearning, I was finally a mummy ❤

  126. The 1st time my son was handed to me after 3 years of yearning, I was finally a mummy ❤

  127. watching my daughters with their own children is amazing

  128. It would have to be hearing the kids say they love me x
