Ava - 1 Month Old

It only feels like two seconds ago when I was writing Ava's 1 week update but here we are a whole month later, my baby is now 1 month old! You think that time flies by fast when you have one child but my gosh it goes even faster the second time around. I can only imagine how fast it goes when you have a whole football team of children! 1 month in and I cant imagine life without our little Ava Jean and we are now totally used to being a family of four and as tiring as it is I wouldn't have it any other way.

She is one very happy and content baby the majority of the time. She's the happiest in my arms, a proper Mummy's girl and will often cry in other peoples arms but as soon as she's back with me she's happy again. As well as being held she loves being spoken to and although she's been smiling since she turned three weeks old she's only just starting to coo, so she really likes to try to communicate with us. I think she might develop quite a feisty side just like me because one minute she can be quite content to absolutely freaking out with the click of a finger, usually because she wants me! 

She's has just started to fit into some 0-3 months clothes but some newborn and up to 1 month still fit. They all vary so much in their sizing so she's just in that middle ground at the moment. She was weighed last week and now weighs 10lb 14oz and is following the 91st percentile line perfectly. The health visitor said it was absolutely spot on and she couldn't have asked for anything better. She also told me well done and it was just really rewarding to see Ava's gain knowing that all her sustenance comes from me. She's just moved into size 2 nappies too.

Ava had a few ailments when she was a week or so old. She had an infected umbilical cord and needed antibiotics, had dry skin and has since had slight cradle cap and a tiny bit of oral thrush (which is common for babies to get after having antibiotics.) Thankfully after all that she's been brilliant and nothing to complain about at the moment. 

We are now 5 weeks into our breastfeeding journey and I couldn't be happier with how everything is going. I had cracked nipples on our first couple of days as her latch wasn't correct but ever since everything has been great. She's had a few cluster feeding sessions here and there but I've gotten so used to them now and it already feels second nature just to have her at my chest. I'd intended to express and freeze some supply as soon as I could, around six weeks as recommended but as time goes on I feel no rush to do so as I'm really enjoying how everything is going at the moment.

I've got no complaints when it comes to Ava and her sleep. In fact I think three year old Noah is harder work at bedtime! During the day she sleeps when she feels like it and is usually only awake half an hour at a time but is more awake in the evening. She usually has a big feed in bed with me when I go up for the night around midnight and will sleep through till 4am, feed and then go back to sleep. The wake ups and feeds are quite a blur really as I feed her in a sleepy haze and then we both just go back to sleep. She's still sleeping in bed with me, in the nook of my arm but we are making progress in her crib, slowly but surely! 

* Ava had her first bath at 9 days old as we had to wait until her cord fell off and her infection was clear. She cried as soon as we put her in the bath but then she realised she liked it.
* She was registered and we sent off for her first passport at just 12 days old.
* She started smiling socially at just three weeks old and she hasn't stopped since. As soon as she wakes up in the morning I only have to look at her and she starts beaming from ear to ear. 
* She not only follows you with her eyes but moves her head too. She really enjoys watching her brother in particular. 
* She has just started to be vocal by cooing and she really tries to respond to our voice. Sometimes she gets quite frustrated when no noise comes out her mouth. 

Favourite things
Cuddles of Mummy. Staring right into Mummy's eyes, all the time! Nursing in bed at night. Watching her brother. Being in the car or pram but only when it's moving. Her Forever Friends musical bear. Being held, cuddled and kissed.


  1. I can't believe that she is a month old already. She's adorable x

  2. She is so ridiculously cute! That photo of her with her hand up...x

  3. Nice that you are making a record of Ava's milestones etc.

    Rachel Craig

  4. Size :- you mention that Ava is now wearing / using a variety of sizes of baby clothing. That seems to have been an issue for many, many years. I can recall my brother's first child being in the same situation. My brother at the time was of the opinion that it was difficult for them as new parents to ascertain what size of baby clothing they should be seeking for their daughter.

    Newborn babies come in such a variety of sizes :- length, width / girth, as well as weight. To me it seems strange to put ages on early baby clothing when babies sizes and weights vary so much. My niece ( whom I referred to earlier) is now a Mother. Her son was born prematurely. Luckily a Supermarket fairly local ( by car, and some family are car drivers) to the Maternity Hospital where my Great Nephew was born sells baby clothes, and this includes some pre- term / small sizes. So the family did manage to access some suitable clothing for him for use for going home from hospital, the early days, weeks and months. If I recall correctly I believe the clothing was sized according to weight. He was around 5 pounds. Family were. Delighted to be able to dress him appropriately. Uncles etc had treated him to some lovely outfits.

    Manufacturers I believe need to interact with Parents and prospective parents, family and friends etc in regards to experiences in regards to attempt to access appropriately fitting clothing for newborns and growing babies. As we are a culture that express our love and concern for babies and children :- Good shopping experiences are of value to individuals, shops and manufacturers.

    Rachel Craig

  5. Absolutely beautiful pictures, its lovely to see how close Noah is to her my Megan is 4 and is always hugging and kissing Mollie 17 weeks old xxx

  6. The babies are beautiful!:)

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