Siblings - August 2017

Siblings is one of my favourite posts to write every month and back when Ava was born I was so excited to be able to document my children in this way. It's so lovely to be able to look back at my previous posts to see how much they've grown, not just in their physical form but how their relationship has grown too. I mean look how much they've changed since my first Siblings post back in March, it's enough to make me want to cry!

August has been a great month, we've really enjoyed ourselves. Noah has been off nursery for half term so it's been nice to enjoy all the free time and have spontaneous trips here and there. Not only has August been great to us but Ava has come on leaps and bounds. She can now sit up unaided and loves to play with her toys so now that Noah can now play with her properly he thinks it's amazing!

The three photo's I chose this month sum up the relationship between Noah and Ava to a tee! Ava is always watching him in awe, she laughs and smiles at everything he does. He only has to look at her and she smiles from ear to ear. Noah on the other hand is in his element having a little friend to entertain and he thrives of all the love and attention that he gets from her. He'll have even more fun once she's on the move, which will be in no time knowing Ava!
The Siblings Project - Dear Beautiful


  1. These are really cute photos

  2. These are really cute photos

  3. Beautiful photos Jen, ava is so clever sitting up now, they don't stay babies long enough xXx

  4. Great reading
    One of my favourites too

  5. Lovely to see siblings interacting.

    Rachel Craig

  6. It's nice to have photos to look back and see how much they have grown but sometimes sad too as time goes by so fast

  7. aww they are adorable! I have a 4year old daughter and toddler twins! I just love watching them play.

  8. Ava looks interested in Noah's book.

    Rachel Craig

  9. Lovely. I love how close my two are too

  10. Noah and Ava are so cute together x
