Ava - 7 Months Old

Another month has been and gone, Ava is now 7 months old! It really doesn't feel like it's been 7 months but it probably should do considering how I've not had a full night sleep since she was born but it really doesn't. It only feels like two minutes ago that she was born but at the same time it feels like she's always been here. She's fitted so well into our already strong family dynamic, the last piece of our family puzzle. We are all absolutely besotted with her. 

Mummy's little sweetheart pretty much sums Ava up to a tee. She's so sweet, happy and loving and as she's getting older her personality is coming on leaps and bounds. She has a funny side where she loves to perform to make you laugh and smile, just like her brother. She's usually very laid back and easy going but I've noticed this month that she starting to show a bit of sass! If we do something she's not happy with, she'll sure tell you about it by either screeching or crying. I've been reading about it and this is typical of her age as it's the stage where they start experimenting and learning about emotions and how to show and control them. 


I haven't weighed her this month but she's definitely bigger! She's still wearing 6-9 month clothing but it wouldn't surprise me if some bits get a little short in the next few weeks, depending on the fitting of course. She's also just about moving up into a size 4 nappy. Looking at her I wouldn't say she looked 7 months old, she looks older.

She's been a bit hit and miss this month. She's not been poorly but she's had a bit of an upset stomach which I think could be down to teething. She's not complaining about it just yet but I have a feeling they are on their way as it's also given her nappy rash too. You can see her teeth through her gums on both the top and the bottom but they aren't anywhere near cutting through just yet. I hope we have a few more months as I'm not looking forward to breastfeeding a baby with teeth! Yowch! 

As mentioned above, we are still breastfeeding and I'm loving every moment. I'm so glad we were able to breastfeed this time around despite by initial hopes and fears when it came to trying to breastfeed again. She's nursing a lot less now that she's on solids but she tends to still have around 8 feeds in 24 hours. Not only does she love milk but she's also a fabulous little eater. She now has three meals a day as well as cooled boiled water to drink whilst she eats. Her current favourite foods are; sweet potato, strawberries, tomatoes, pasta, porridge, carrot sticks crisps and biscotti but she'll pretty much eat anything you give her. She eats a mixture of mashed foods and finger foods, she's great!

When it comes to naps she's so much better now and usually has two naps a day, sometimes three. It all depends on how long she has for each one. I try to always settle her upstairs rather than letting her fall asleep in my arms because the moment I put her down she'll wake. Night time, still not sleeping through but she's getting better as she does sleep longer stretches, the other night she did 6 hours! She still hates sleeping in her snuzpod and prefers to be in bed with me and I usually wake every morning with her in the nook of my arm.

Milestones and new tricks
* She seems much more aware of everything around her now and seems to pick up new things quite fast. For example she will put a hair bobble on her head, look at the tv when you hold a remote, put a sock on top of her foot, put a dummy in your mouth, feeds you her food, tries to untie laces, copies noises that you make, etc. 

* Dancing. Ava now dances and bobs up and down when she hears music. She gets so excited when she hears singing or music, especially if guitars are involved.
* She's more vocal. She's picked up lots of different sounds this month, a favourite being "ABABA BABA ABABA BABA!" She's said Mama and Dada a few times whilst babbling away but I'm not sure I can count it as a first word just yet, though if we can it was Mama that she said first! Just saying!
* Moving. She's not crawling but when you lay her on her belly she can shuffle backwards a little and has no problem turning her self around in circles. She's not really a fan of tummy time anymore though as she much prefers to be sitting up. It wouldn't surprise me if she crawled from the sitting position first rather than from her belly.
* Recognition. She understands so many words and names, she's so clever.

* Emotional. According to her latest leap she's able to display her emotions a lot more and is currently learning how to control them as she's getting older and I can certainly verify that! When she's not happy about something you can really see it in her face, she tries to be angry or will cry. On the flip side she's also being even more loving and is able to show affection more.
* She will put her head on you to give you a snuggle if you ask for a cuddle. It's the sweetest thing. 

Likes and dislikes
GUITARS, Mummy, Daddy and Noah. When Daddy plays guitar. Books. Animals, our cat and Nanny's dog's in particular. Music, singing and being sung to. Playing with Noah and his Imaginext figures. Bath time and splashing about. Being cuddled and held by Mummy, she'd be happy on my lap or arms all day and night. Her toy corner and little toys. Milk and food, she can't get enough. Peppa pig. Nursery rhyme youtube videos. Being in the baby carrier. Going for walks and seeing the tree's. Sleeping in Mummy's arms. Gingerbread. Playing peekaboo. She doesn't like having her nappy changed, being led on a changing mat, getting dressed, when I leave the room and being in the car. 


  1. Time flies so quickly, she's still a gorgeous little smiler though!

  2. Time goes so fast great way to keep memories alive

  3. Aw, she seems like such a sweet girl x

  4. A fabulous selection of photos providing a wonderful snapshot of Ava at 7 months. She will treasure them in the future as much as you do.

  5. This is such a lovely post. I wish I had kept more of a record, it goes so fast!

  6. She is doing very well and great that she's got a good appetite I struggle with my baby Charlie

  7. Ava seems to have grown up, and changed so quickly.

    Rachel Craig

  8. Omg she's so gorgeous, I'm adamant I don't want anymore but I see pics like this and it makes me broody!

  9. Expressing emotions, interesting:- You mention age / stage, your awareness is touching. Seems you are well bonded, and attentive with Ava. Mannerisms and gestures can express so much.

    Rachel Craig

  10. Beautiful photos Jen, Noah and Ava are a credit to you, and your a fantastic mum to them, they will love looking back at these memories when they are older xxx
