Creating A Space Just For Me

Most parents, just like myself don't get much time to themselves very often. Their days and nights revolve around their children and most of us wouldn't have it any other way. That being said I can't remember the last time I had a couple of hours to unwind and have a little bit of me time, it's long overdue.

We are currently undergoing a second renovation on our home. With the extra space we gain a bit of freedom when it comes to room options. Once we've finished the children will have their own bedrooms and we'll have space left over to create a little area for the grown ups. I envision it to be a little getaway area where I can sit down and enjoy a good book, or more realistically, sit down and work without any distractions.

I've already started to plan how I want the room to look and find that putting my ideas down on paper, or via blog post is a great way to brainstorm and document them. With that in mind I've started by choosing four pieces which I must have in our little hideaway.

1. Tear Flower Pot - £69.00 // 2. Opart Plaid Throw - £36.00 
3. Elba Lounge Chair - £199.00 // 4. Drop Tealight Holder - £16.00

I think the four items compliment one another tremendously and are pieces which could be reused throughout the house. The neutral tones against the copper gold would give a warm welcoming and authentic touch to the room. The 
golden accents from the Tear Flower Pot and Drop Tealight Holder would add to the ambience of the room and would give it a little Moroccan touch. I can imagine myself relaxing in the evening, sat on the Elba Lounge Chair, wrapped in the Opart Throw with a glass of wine in hand. 

Depending on your area there are lots of different stores you can visit when it comes for inspirations for your home. If you live near Scotland then I'd recommend checking out furniture stores in Glasgow and Edinburgh. 

- This is a sponsored post.


  1. Nice to read of some future plans / possibilities for renovations regarding your home. For the two children to have a bedroom of their own at some point, seems a necessity. A room for the grown up/s to relax / chill / recuperate seems quite innovative. Yet really practical (sensible), as time out, self nurturing, supportive partnership, shared parenting is the reality for most families. Just how to manage it all :- Seems Enviroment is an important aspect. Best Wishes with your future plans.

    Rachel Craig

  2. This is so important and sounds like you will have a lovely tranquil space once it's all finished

  3. Me time sounds amazing, the only time I get to myself is a shower when the kids are in bed asleep, I would love a spare room just for us grown ups, I love the items you have chosen, they do compliment each other xxx

  4. I understand completely about needing your own space,it's important for the sake of your own sanity 😂

  5. I Wonder if you will be Setting a Trend.

    Rachel Craig

  6. Rest, relaxation, bliss!

    Rachel Craig

  7. Little bits of comfort.

    Rachel Craig

  8. Sadly I only have a 2 bedroom house with 2 children girl and boy as their young ATM it's ok but not sure what to do in future 😱

  9. me time is so important and hard to get with kiddies
