Living Arrows #1 - Tractor Rides, Raspberry Picking and Big Changes

I've now been blogging for six years, long before I became a parent. When I started I wrote about my favourite perfumes or the book that I was currently reading, but when I had Noah the blog evolved and became all about him. Then of course all about Ava when she was born.

There's nothing I enjoy more than writing about my children, documenting as many moments as I can. I'd give up the reviews, the days out, the partnerships, and the collaborations over the countless posts I've written about them. Those posts are the heart of this blog and I hope that when they are older they'll like to read them and won't be too embarrassed about the excessive amount of photo's that I've shared of them. 

This week I've decided to take part in a linky that I've not taken part in before, it's called Living Arrows and is all about celebrating childhood. It's quite an emotional time for us at the moment, which you can probably tell by the gushy paragraphs above. Noah only has two weeks left at nursery, then it's off to school in September. It's such a huge milestone and is extremely bittersweet. With Noah feeling so emotional lately, we've been taking little moments here and there, just the two of us to have a little bit of one on one time. These moments I always make time for but I think they are extremely important at the moment. Here are a few snaps I took last week, on one of our little walks together which ended up with Noah eating half of a wild raspberry bush! 

Living Arrows


  1. First I have heard of the linky ( more information would be welcome). Nice to read that you have planned and put into action :- Some one to one time with Noah. Great idea :- Hopefully will bring you two even closer in your bond / ing. May be beneficial for the future, as hopefully he will confide in you, share his experiences, thoughts and feelings with you.

    I can recall my own Mum :- Asking me how was school? What I had done at school, etc, etc. On hindsight she was aiming to ensure that I was ok at school. But when I arrived home from school I was ready for other things. Got that I quickly answered Mum's questions, so as to get onto whatever ( snack, see local friends, etc). I confided in an older brother. Support network is needed. Small families maybe other relatives ( Gran, etc) or close friends may be of benefit. Pros and Cons. Plus seems we need to consider just how effective and appropriate communications and interactions are. Sometimes a child will choose to confide in someone other than a parent. So good to know child's social networks etc.

    Best Wishes to Noah! He will be embarking on a great adventure with much to learn.

    Rachel Craig

  2. I look forward to this linky :) xxx

  3. oh love seeing the superman shirt- such a cutie!

  4. It's lovely see you linking up Jenna ! My little boy Jake is off to big school in September too like Noah. We have been making the most of the afternoons we have left together x #livingarrows

  5. Fresh Raspberries, mmmm!

    Rachel Craig

  6. Have you started shopping list:- In preparation for Noah starting school? An important milestone, a photograph can be such a treasure for close family members.

    Rachel Craig

  7. Raspberry fields.

    Rachel Craig

  8. I have been following you online for so long, and reading your blog all that time, and I can't get my head around Noah being ready for school. How did that happen? I still remember him as that little blonde haired toddler! x

  9. Farmer Noah.

    Rachel Craig

  10. The impending start of school always makes us parents a little nervous. I can assure you that all will be fine though (if a little tired to begin with) My youngest is about to finish Reception and I can't believe how quickly its gone! #LivingArrows

  11. Noah embarking onto school days :- How exciting. Wondering just how it will shape his future. As should open up some opportunities:- Learning, Routinue/ s, Socialising, Groups Acceptance, Mastering Skills. Wishing you lots of fun in sharing his experiences, as he will bring home the sometimes dreaded homework.

    Rachel Craig

  12. Fresh raspberries, good source of vitamin C and fibre. Whilst outdoors Noah would also benefit from vitamin D. A healthy day outdoors.

    Rachel Craig

  13. Love berry picking

  14. its amazing seeing the change in your kids
