My Sunday Photo - 26/52


  1. This is such a cute photo and she has the right idea with her ice lolly x

  2. I am watching tv this morning. Just enjoyed an episode of the Waltons. Oh! How we loved watching the show years ago, and how everyone was taken by the clip when all the Waltons are settling for the night :- We see their house / home, and we hear the goodnights and names of the children. So touching, loving and nurturing was what our sentimental family thought of the programme. Or most of us did.

    Following programme :- Touched by an Angel , The Whole Truth and Nothing But... Not usually a programme I would watch. Though a sibling had enjoyed these in the past. So thought, just watch and see what this series is like. Only to find Ann Jillian starring (Guest star, I think), Great actress.

    Ava, keeping herself cool, now that we have some hot and sunny summer weather. Seems there is lots to see in this photo.

    Rachel Craig

  3. "Just Chillin".

    Rachel Craig

  4. So chilled sat there with her lolly, not a care in the world!

  5. Ava is sitting on the grass, hopefully comfortably. But what is around her is difficult to ascertain. I initially thought she was beside a play park. Just what is around her? Assault course??

    Rachel Craig

  6. Ava, having a relaxing moment. Just what will she do in the future, as an adult? As it seems that Britain is improving in regards to Equality. As Theresa May (Britain's 2nd Female / Woman Prime Minister) prepares to leave 10 Downing Street.

    Margaret Thatcher (Britain's First Female / Woman Prime Minister) was Conservative, as is Theresa May. It seems their Fathers were both Clergy. Also seems they both attended Grammer Schools. Equality and Diversity :- Have they both left in similar circumstances? Just what will Equality and Diversity measures, etc bring us in the future?

    Rachel Craig

  7. Little Ava sitting all alone. Or is she "Just Chillin Out" with a "Protective Eye" on her, possibly much viewing with camera in order to take photograph.

    Within the Community we are told to aim for avoiding Social Isolation. As it can be Detrimental to Health and Wellbeing. Though just how can this be done with little to No Resources. Intergenerational work may be part of the answer. As it seems that over years /decades / generation/s there have been changes within Society. We tended to like close by as families in the past, even the extended family could be living close by. Changes may have brought some benefits, as infection/s can spread more easily due to close contact. "Coughs and Sneezes Spread Diseases".

    Though maybe we have lost some benefit all elements, due to changes in society , culture, etc over the years. As in the past :- Granny, etc may well provide childcare (FREE of Financial Charge, in most if not all cases) Yet, as children grew and matured with Love. They would visit Granny, Auntie, Etc, "Run Errands" :- Such as a little light shopping, at the local shop/s. Reciprocation. Done Out of Love ( No Financial Charge). Yet maybe the adult would insist on showing the child some appreciation by giving some pocket money, or a gift ( Optional, not necessary).

    Nowadays unfortunately families can often have to commute to visit one another. Maybe too far apart. Particularly if an accident, I'll health, frailty, surgical operation, hospitalisation occurs :- Who is available to provide / allow for :- Assistance, Rest, Relaxation, Recuperation, Social Interaction, Etc. Are children Valued / Valuable? What about Adults / Older People are they Valued / Valuable. Maybe we NEED to show / Express our acceptance, Appreciation of people irrespective of their AGE, ETC. = Equality and Diversity.

    Rachel Craig

  8. much should read Mum. ( Spellchecker. It changes my typed words, therefore meaning. Doesn't even highlight this by changing colour of type. So, so inconvenient at times. Rather than HELPFUL. Sorry for my rant / venting. But :- Please don't make life any more difficult / busy than it already is :- Please! Technology, etc should Assist, Benefit :- Humanity. Hope those who design Technology are paying attention, and can improve lives through technology, more than they already have been. As surely there have been some Wonderful benefits.)

    Rachel Craig

    1. Also just noticed :- like, should be live. As :- live close by...

      Rachel Craig

  9. All elements should read :- Or elements. I think I need my tea ( some caffeine, maybe) and some delicious food. Fiancé gone for a walk, and we have not had our evening meal, as yet!

    Hope he Returns Soon.

    Rachel Craig

  10. Ava, sitting all alone. Will her future be so limited. Will she work alone? Will she perhaps be self employed? Perhaps in work in which she has little - no choice / options. Will she perhaps feel threatened and intimidated within employment :- " Comply or Die". As it seems that those in paid employment feel insecure. As may lose job ( lots of retail Businesses, and othe Businesses have closed suddenly :- Thus leaving people out of work, no salary. Yet the bills still come in. Austerity measures within benefits system, attending food banks in order to eat, in order to survive).

    Comply, or Risk losing paid Employment. Does this leave employees at Risk of Bullying behaviour from employer / other employees? Is perhaps this impacting on Health ISSUES, Mental Health ISSUES, etc. People are told resources are limited, and you need to fight for them :- Why? What about NEED based? What are Public Funds be used for? Are Public Funds limited / reduced :- If so, Why? Is it possible the large Businesses who avoided paying taxes through loopholes, has caused a reduction in the availability of Public Services / Public NEEDS being addressed / met. Who is Accountable? How are things to improve within the UK?

    Equality and Diversity. Let us Hope that in the Furure each individual has a living, a good quality of life, etc. It is a Developed Nation / country.

    Let's Hope Ava has loved ones, friends, caring, sharing individuals and groups, communities and society to support her and others in their childhood, adulthood and older adulthood :- Intergenerational Equality and Di veracity, Caring, Sharing Society.

    Rachel Craig

  11. Should read :- Equality and Diversity.

    Rachel Craig
