Living Arrows - April 2020

Another month in lockdown but we are quickly getting used to this new normal.  Noah doesn't mind being home from school but it's been a bit of a struggle with Ava as she doesn't really know whats going on - she's only three after all. You may or may not notice that I've been taking a bit of a backseat when it comes to the blog and social media while this is all going on. That said, I'm only an email, tweet, or DM away if anyone ever wants to talk. 

April was spent a lot like March - indoors, homeschooling, baking, playing, painting, crafting, watching movies, taking the dog for one walk a day, laughing, and making memories. Easter was quite a sad state of affairs as we usually do so much with our family, especially the kids great grandparents who like to make a fuss with lots of chocolate surprises. We did a little egg hunt in our house, which revolved around lots of different questions and clues - they loved it and that's all that matters.

Living Arrows