The Magical World of Mermaids Personalised Children's Book - In The Book - Review

AD - We were sent this product for the purpose of this review and compensated for our time.

Long before I became a parent I knew that I wanted my children to be bookworms - just like me. In fact, one of the first items I bought when pregnant was a book for the baby. Books are extremely important to my family and between us, we must have hundreds. Ava in particular loves curling up with a book, despite her only being four and unable to read yet she is mesmerised by them. I can't wait until she starts school and starts to learn to read but until then I'll continue to be her favourite storyteller.

With this in mind, I was delighted when In The Book got in touch. They asked if we would like to choose a book to review and to receive a little feedback on their website. I decided to let Ava pick one out this time and with such a fantastic selection to choose from she really took her time. It was easy to browse through the categories as everything is streamlined and very clear. As soon as Ava set eyes on The Magical World of Mermaids book that was it - that was the book for her. Little did she know, it was going to be personalised too!

When ordering it couldn't be any more straightforward. You simply choose a story from the dozens available, add your child's name, then add a personalised message and a photo - easy peasy! Delivery was fast and I fully understand why the website, and end product have such rave reviews. The book itself is stunning to look at and the story is so endearing. I sat on the sofa to read it to Ava and her eyes lit up when she spotted her photo on the last couple of pages - it really surprised her. She now thinks she's famous as she's in her very own book!

It's quickly become one of her favourite books and I've lost count of the number of times she's asked me to read it to her. It is going to make the most lovely keepsake too. We will definitely be ordering another book in the future. The Magical World of Mermaids book costs £19.99 in the softback, and £24.99 in the hardback edition. Visit their website to see their full range of books. 


  1. The Personalised Disney Winnie-the-Pooh Story Book

  2. the Personalised Christmas Story Collection

  3. The Christmas Stories look magical

  4. Me and My Pet Avatar Book looks like such a sweet book. 🐾❤️

  5. Christmas Stories look good

  6. I'd pick the Personalised Pet Dinosaur Story Book

  7. The Personalised Christmas Stories looks like a lovely keepsake x

  8. The Personalised Christmas Stories looks like a lovely keepsake x

  9. The Personalised Christmas Stories looks like a lovely keepsake x

  10. The Personalised Christmas Stories looks like a lovely keepsake x

  11. The Personalised Christmas Stories looks like a lovely keepsake x

  12. The Personalised Christmas Stories looks like a lovely keepsake x

  13. the personalised encyclopedia looks great

  14. The Personalised Christmas Stories.

  15. Sally Collingwood25 May 2021 at 10:58

    Unicorn Adventure Book

  16. How to save the most amazing animals conservation book would be a huge hit with my son

  17. I would choose the personalised encyclopedia

  18. I like the book of nursery rhymes

  19. Personalised girl power collection

  20. The Personalised Christmas Stories looks great thanks :)

  21. Looks good! Can't wait to read it to my little sister

  22. These are amazing! I love the pet dinosaur book x

  23. Personalised Christmas stories !

  24. I would chose the unicorn adventure

  25. Charlotte Hoekstra19 June 2021 at 07:16

    I would like the unicorn adventure

  26. The Disney Princesses The Ultimate Collection Personalised Book

  27. Personalised Encyclopedia – Just For Kids

  28. The pet dinosaur book looks fab

  29. Perfect pet dinosaur looks fun

  30. The Ultimate Princess Collection

  31. The Personalised Christmas Stories
