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Social skills are no different to the other skills small children need to learn. Some pick up walking and talking easily, others struggle – some learn to run and jump very easily, others take longer.
Social skills are something that might take a little longer for some children. If your child is struggling with social skills then you may have noticed some of the following tell-tale signs.
· An unwillingness to join in games with other children
· Difficulty controlling emotions such as anger and excitement
· Shyness around adults they’re unfamiliar with
· Hitting or pushing other children
Whilst all of these are completely normal up to a point, there comes a time when the world at large expects more from a child. Children entering pre-school are expected to have gained some self-control, but it’s also accepted that these skills can take time to settle in. This pre school in Lincoln places a strong emphasis on gently introducing children to the small responsibilities which help them to mature socially. Little tasks and regular jobs give children a sense of belonging and help them to work as part of a team.
The key point to remember if you’re worried about your child is that pre-school can really help advance social skills much more quickly than you might imagine. A daily routine and professional supervision will have an amazing impact on most children. Here are some top tips to help you help your child develop their social skills.
· Give them small responsibilities – little jobs such as tidying away their own toys and clothing help children to build confidence
· Ensure they’re regularly introduced to other children – whether through playdates or clubs and activities
· Set boundaries – hitting and pushing should be dealt with immediately and with a firm reaction
· Talk to them about feelings – small children have little experience when it comes to emotions so be open with them
Speak to your child’s teacher. This will help you to work out if the problem is affecting them at school. It might be that your child is different in the classroom than they are when they’re out and about with you. Teachers are also highly skilled when it comes to helping children learn social skills. An open dialogue will help you to help your child more effectively.
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