All about me

I was tagged in this post by Colette from We're going on an Adventure. I don't tend to do many posts like these as I always think people won't find them interesting but I think it's a great way to get to know other bloggers better. It also gives me something to do while my other half is having a beer and watching The Hobbit for the millionth time! So here goes! 

First off tell us your name and what you do . . .
Well if you had of asked me three weeks ago I would tell you that I was a team leader in a shoe shop. Not the most glamorous of jobs but I do enjoy working in the retail industry and what women doesn't enjoy being surrounded by heels and handbags? At the moment though I have just started Maternity leave and will be off for the next year! I have been off for a couple of weeks now and have been really enjoying the down time. I have spent it blogging, cleaning, cooking and relaxing. I will continue to do this until our little one arrives.

I live at home with . . . 
My lovely fiancé and father to be Nick, he's perfection and ying to my yang. 
Also our three terribly cute and naughty cats, Ted, Baby and Mona and soon to be newborn baby boy too!

My favourite thing to do is . . . 
It's extremely hard to choose one favourite thing to do and it will change once our baby is here. I enjoy the simple things like sitting down to a movie with my other half with a table full of snacks. 

My favourite thing to eat is . . .  
Banana and Nutella pancakes.

When I get cross I . . . 
I bottle it up or vent. It depends on who I get cross with. 

Sometimes I worry because . . . 
We aren't on the property ladder yet. We currently rent and with the house prices on the rise I worry about not being able to get a mortgage especially now we have a baby and our future to think about.

My favourite book is . . . 
How can anyone answer this? There are so many wonderful books but I have recently really enjoyed The Game of Thrones series. It's incredible.

My favourite toy is . . . 
My iPhone. It is always glued to my hand. 

I dislike . . . 
People who harm animals, rude people, mushrooms, when technology doesn't work and losing things.

When I grow up I want to be . . . 
I would of loved to have either been a zoo keeper or detective. I guess I can still dream! 

1 comment:

  1. I need to re-read the Game of Thrones book - for some reason I stopped about 2/3 the way through last time.
