He's walking!

Noah has been taking the odd few steps here and there for the past few weeks but yesterday he officially started walking and we couldn't be any happier! 

It's taken a while but he got there when he was ready. I kind of like the fact that he learnt to walk at 14 months because that was the age I learnt to walk too. He's following in his Mummy's footsteps, literally! 

Here is the moment he set off walking and he hasn't looked back since. I am so happy that I caught the moment on film, I'm going to treasure it.


  1. Awhh! That's lovely you got to capture his first steps! He's going to zipping out now! xo


  2. Awww it's so adorable. Baby L learnt to walk properly at 14 months as well. It's so cute when they start but now the fun really starts. L is now 19 months old and he is so quick and into everything.

    1. Ahh they learnt at the same time, that's lovely! Noah seems to be 99% there now. Once he learnt, that was it. He can run now too!

  3. How lucky that you were able to capture the moment on film to share with others, and of course treasure :) well done Noah

  4. Aww! That is so adorable!! Such a lovely moment to capture x

  5. Oh wow, what a wonderful milestone. There will be no stopping him now! x

  6. aw that is so amazing that you caught it film too
