12th July - 18th July / Week 29
Sunday. Noah spent the afternoon with his Nanna at a hot air balloon festival then we drove over to pick him up. We had some dinner and then went on a two mile walk through the woods. Such a nice, easy going day. I love family days like these.
Monday is playgroup day! We were late as always despite getting ready in good time. I blame the cats, don't ask! When we finally made it there Noah played with his friends and had a blast bombing it around the place. After song time we all went into the soft play area where Noah showed off his diving skills, or should I say lack of! He is such a klutz!
Noah loves to sleep and enjoys long naps but he's never been one to fall asleep on the floor, in his high chair or while playing. In fact he has never done that, ever. He likes to sleep all cosy in his cot and even asks to go up himself. So when this happened two days on a trot I was very surprised. I had changed his nappy before I took him up for a sleep, I kissed him on his forehead and he instantly fell asleep. Precious moments.
My good friend Cassie surprised us on Wednesday by sending Noah a little surprise from her holidays. I wasn't expecting anything so when I discovered this little cutie in the mail it did bring a smile to my face. Noah spent the afternoon in the garden with his pirate friend in his pocket.
I was looking forward to Thursday all week because my Mum and Sister were coming to visit us for the afternoon. They missed their first train but once they arrived we headed out for a walk to the park and for a bite to eat. The weather was gorgeous and it was lovely being together. My sister emigrates to Los Angeles soon so moments like these are fleeting and it's very bittersweet.
Friday we didn't get up to anything very exciting but we did pop to the shops to pick up Noah some treats. At the moment he is obsessed with sticker books! It's like reliving my childhood all over again.
Saturday we decided to pay a visit to Thornton Hall Farm for the first time. A day out like this is ideal for us as we are all such animal lovers and love being outside in the fresh air too. Noah had so much fun greeting and being gentle with the animals but the most fun he had was riding on the toy tractors and pointing out all the machinery! He's such a boys boy! We will definitely be visiting again soon, it's our new favourite place.
What have you been up to this week?
Looks like a lovely week, exciting times ahead for you sister but yes it must be bittersweet when you see her.