Making time for Romance

Nick and I have been together for 7 years now. It feels a lifetime ago when we were socialising via social media and arranging to meet formally for the first time. We had mutual friends in common and knew about one another but had never spoken face to face.

I still remember that first night we met up. We were both nervous so had a drink together and spoke until the early hours. We just hit it off and were inseparable from the get go. As soppy and cliché as it sounds I knew he was the one there and then. I was right of course, fast forward 7 years and we have a child, are engaged and a have a home together.  

One of our favourite things to do in the evening is reminisce about those early days. The days when butterflies fill your tummy and your heart beats ten to the dozen when you are around them. We like to talk about the dates that we went on together, the romantic gesture's we've bestowed on one another, those special moments together. We absolutely love being parents and our son is our entire world but we do miss having that one on one time and those spontaneous and romantic date nights. Romance is so important not only for our current relationship and future relationship but for our family too. I want our son to see that his parents don't just love him but they love another too. 

It's so easy to forget about couple time when you are parents but with August being Romance Awareness month we've really been trying to make that time for one another. We have been setting aside time for one another for at least a couple of hours a week. Whether it be a romantic walk with another or even sitting down and watching a film together once the little one is in bed. It's so important to make that time for one another, to remember that you aren't just Mummy and Daddy but you are still a couple too. 

Making time for romance isn't just vital for your relationship to bloom but it's also good practice for the future. It's needed for the mind, body and soul, or at least I think so. Have you ever thought about having a love reading from TheCircle? I think it's something we would like to experience.

Do you make time for romance? 

- Collaborative post. 

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