Birthday Girl Sophia & Junior Reporter Sammi Lottie Doll - Review & Competition

As a mummy and a blogger there are some brands which I can't help but love and really like to support. Lottie Dolls are certainly one of them. I've always adored dolls, ever since I was a little girl and one of my favourite past times has got to be playing with my Barbies but let me tell you, Barbie doesn't have a patch on our Lottie!

Lottie Dolls are like a breath of fresh air in the toy industry and it comes as no surprise as to why they are such a big hit not with just children but with us parents too. Lottie Dolls have a vision and that is to empower children to be themselves and to follow their dreams, they strive to encourage kids to embrace and accept not just their own individuality but everyone else's too. They want children to enjoy their childhood, to have the best memories and to take on fun and important adventures!
Unlike any other doll I've ever come across, Lottie and Finn have been created and based on real children. Lottie and Finn are relatable, age-appropriate in aspirations as well as appearance and all the dolls and accessories from their collections are inspired by real life children. What parent wouldn't be happy with their children playing with dolls like these?

A few weeks ago I was sent two dolls from the new collection and I couldn't wait for them to arrive and to see what they were like up close. The first doll I opened up was the new Birthday Girl Sophia doll and isn't she beautiful? She has long golden hair, big blue eyes and the cutest of outfits.


It’s my birthday today - hip, hip, hooray! There is something so magical about birthdays. Friends and family, party games, delicious treats and super-scrummy cake! This year, straight after my party, I’m going to ask my big sister Lottie to help me to make cards to say “thank you” to everybody. I just can’t wait for my first guests to arrive, now. I’m so excited! Birthday Girl Sophia Doll retails at £18.99.
Hair: Blonde. Style: No fringe. Eyes: Blue.


  • T-Shirt with cupcake print
  • Silver tutu
  • Grey/pink short leggings
  • Sparkly deep pink bag
  • Silver trainers
  • 3 mini cards (invitation, birthday, thank you)

Birthday Girl Sophia is a new favourite of mine as I love everything about her; from her party tutu and glitzy bag to her grey sneakers and cupcake t shirt. I think it's a lovely touch that you're able to remove her tutu and bag to create a "before birthday party" look. I think she's the perfect doll to gift to a special little someone on their very own birthday. I know when I was little I would have loved to receive her as a birthday present, it would have made my day even more magical.

Next up we have Birthday Girl Sophia's new best friend, Junior Reporter Sammi who stopped by her party to interview all the guests! Or so that's what Noah said was happening when he was playing with both of them! I loved watching him play make believe with the dolls, how he made them interact and the little scenario's he was creating for them.

Lottie Dolls also make boy dolls although there are not as many male dolls as there are female. Sammi is the second male doll in the Lottie collection but what a fabulous little boy he is! His dark skin, bushy hair and big brown doe eyes are so dreamy. I think he'd make a welcome addition to any Lottie Doll collection. How cool is that yellow body warmer and grey beanie hat, seriously?


Branksea School’s Sports Day is a Sports Day with a difference. We have athletics and gymnastics and team sports like football. But - because we’re so close to the beach – we have lots of water-based activities, too. There are swimming and surfing and canoeing events. There’s even a kite-flying event near the sea cliffs! I write about everything for the Branksea School News, it’s a hectic sort of day! Junior Reporter Sammi Doll costs £21.99. 
Hair: Dark Brown. Eyes: Dark Brown.


  • Plain grey hat
  • Yellow gilet
  • T-shirt with headphones print
  • Jeans
  • Dark-red trainers
  • Denim-blue bag
  • Pen
  • Edition 1 of Branksea School News

I can't tell you how much I adore these two dolls, they are both so adorable in their own little ways and are made with the utmost quality and attention to detail. I know both children will have so much fun with them throughout the years and I know I will do too. 

You can buy Lottie Doll's directly from the 
website with prices starting at just £18.99Make sure to sign up to Club Lottie as you can save 10% on your first order, also make sure to follow on FacebookTwitter and Instagram to keep up to date with all things Lottie and Finn!

Now it's time for the competition! To win a Junior Reporter Sammi Lottie Doll worth £21.99 simply use the Gleam form below! Good luck and don't forget to enter my other blog competitions!

Junior Reporter Sammi Lottie Doll

Terms & Conditions.         
1. There will be 1 winner who will the prize mentioned above.
2. Prize sent directly by the PR. 
3. Competition ends 29/10/17.
4. Incomplete entries with be disqualified.
5. UK entries only.


  1. Laura Theobald

    Wow how nice are these! X

  2. I'd love to see a Lottie with perhaps a hearing aid, or something that makes her different, I know many gorgeous little ones in our school who are SEN pupils and I know they'd love a doll that would resemble them more, a doll they would feel is for them. I'd name her Molly x

    1. There's a doll with one actually! Wildlife Photographer Mia who wears a cochlear implant, how fantastic is that? Great suggestions.

    2. That's brilliant! I clearly need to look into these dolls more x

    3. I hadn't been aware that Mia ( Wildlife Photographer Lottie Doll) had cochlear implant :- What a great idea. Seems truly inclusive in their Philosophy. Well Done!

      Rachel Craig

  3. I would call mine Millie, just purely because my great nan was called that.

  4. Love a Lottie doll called SUMMER BREEZE-complete with cochlear implant (which I know they do) and glasses
    Great for adjusting to the real world for real girls and boys

  5. I'd like a punk roll doll called Fearless.

  6. I'd name an 80's pop Lottie Tracy!

    1. She's wear leg warmers, a tutu skirt and a Wham tee!

  7. I would create a doll called Birdie and have her with clothes and accessories suitable for pigeon racing.

  8. I would create a teacher one called miss Smith

  9. I would have a doll with a disability and call her Precious. She could be in a wheelchair or something like that.

  10. I would make one that was called Rosa after my mum

  11. These look fatastic

  12. I'd make one for my daughter Sheriah 5 a Sheriah doll 😊

  13. I would create a schoolgirl with a proper school uniform and book bag. I would call her Lilly like my daughter, who has just started school

  14. I would have a Lottie doll in a wheel chair :)

  15. I would have a female scientist doll and call it Marie after Marie Curie

  16. I would have a rollerblading Ruby lottie doll.

  17. I would create a dress designer doll in fashionable clothes and call her Sasha x

  18. I would have the Poppy doll - modelled after my daughter Poppy. She would be clever, fun and courageous

  19. I'd create an artist Lottie doll and I would name her Lizzie

  20. We love Lottie here. Wishing they'd bring out some Lottie parents so we could ditch barbie altogether!

  21. amazing my daughter would love these x

  22. I would create a doll which sews clothes and call her susie

  23. I'd love to create a gothic style one for Halloween called Elvira

  24. My niece wants to be a footballer or a tennis player as she is into her sports and would call her Angel after my niece

  25. I would create a Balancing beam Lottie doll as my two love their gymnastics! I know there is an outfit but it would be great to have special gymnastic lottie doll with equipment :)

  26. I would create a group of Brownie friends for Lottie called Emily, Lucy, Lily, Eva and Amy - because Brownies come in Sixes!

  27. My daughter said a christmas Lottie doll, wearing a red dress with white fur, called Rosie

  28. Bugging Becky... someone who hunts out bugs and studies them

  29. I'm not sure what name I'd go for, but I'd love for there to be an autistic Lottie doll. My daughter has recently been diagnosed, and it would be nice for her to have a doll like her. I might say to name it Sarah after her aunt.

  30. I'd create a circus performer and call her Alice The Acrobat

  31. Maisy the Mechanic, just like my daughter! she loves her cars.

  32. Leona, a Furniture Designer. Hopefully would encourage us all to accept that boys / girls, men and women can use their cognitive skills. Be inventive, innovative, Modern and Forward Thinking. We need furniture, and someone needs to design it, manufacture, deliver the goods, etc.

    Rachel Craig

  33. My daughter would love a little school girl one like her

  34. Ruth the rugby player with her own ball.

  35. I'd have one dressed in a sheep costume onesie called Baaaabara as my daughter loves sheep & pretends to be one!

  36. I'd create a horse rider doll and she would be called Melody. She would have blonde hair under her riding hat tied in a neat bow or plait. She would have jodhpurs and long black boots with a blue jacket.

  37. Charlotte Arnott10 October 2017 at 08:11

    Teacher Lottie, she'd look like me!

  38. Esme the inventor! She'd have short hair & casual clothing with a flowing white lab coat

  39. daughter would like these 😂😂😂

  40. A gamer girl called Astra, complete with virtual reality goggles and headset.

  41. A gardening girl called Poppy

  42. A bookworm with glasses, trousers and cardigan and a book in hand!

  43. A dog walker Lottie doll called Meg with her very own puppies, dog leads and poop bags.

  44. Disneyland Lottie called Minnie, with spotty dress and mouse ears!

  45. Doro the dog walker complete with a labrador. Wearing jeans, wax jacket and red sweater oh and hunter wellies

  46. she would be a size 14, minimal make up and comfy clothes. she would come with a cat, dog and a stack of books. would call her chloe

  47. Mine would be a scientist like me, my daughter looks up to me and wants to grow up to have the same job as her mummy, I would name it Caitriona after my daughter

  48. my daughter loves these. how about a university student?

  49. A gardener Lottie doll who has green fingers and grows vegetables!

  50. I would make a paramedic doll with the navy jacket and trousers complete with bag with medical bits and pieces. I think I would name her Jess

  51. I think I would make one doll as a plumber as i know my girls would absolutely love that as that is their Dad's job. I'm not quite sure what we would call him. Another is a doll with blonde hair - like my girls and name her Lucy as the girls love that name!

  52. i have library Lottie, but she would look cool to show that reading and learning doesnt mean you have to be a geek or look uncool

  53. A cake maker doll called Mary! She would come with a whisk and rolling pin 😊

  54. I would create an archaeologist (I studied Ancient History at uni) and would call her Emily, after me!

  55. Scientist Marie after Marie Curie

  56. I’d love to see a biker girl doll! My little sisters absolutely love going out on the back of their grandads bike & travels around the UK to meets! She would be called Madison!

  57. I love Lottie dolls (probably a little more than my daughter). The 2nd Finn is very cute. Thank you for hosting giveaway.

  58. i would have a nurse or doctor lottie doll with uniform and medical equipment

  59. i would have a nanny lottie doll who looks after her pretend grandchildren

  60. Would name her Isla after my daughter. She would love to have a doll that looked like her!

  61. I'd create a Dental Nurse Doll named Rae 😘

  62. a gardening Lottie so maybe flower power Lottie

  63. Will be Marathon Lottie. Love a sporty doll

  64. I would create a scientist doll and call her Myridia.

  65. I'd make a deep sea diver and I'd call her Francesca x

  66. My daughter wants to be a Marine Biologist, so I would create a Marine Biologist themed Lottie doll, and call her Delphine

  67. I would love to make one based on my daughter who has curly light brown hair and big beautiful brown eyes and she is sassy and confident 😍

  68. id make a mermaid lottie doll and call her starlight xx

  69. I would create a fairy doll called sky aftr my daughter

  70. brown curly hair, not skinny like all the barbie dolls!

  71. I'd love to see a teacher lottie doll called Becky

  72. I would create a scientist lottie, and she would be called Marie.

  73. Would love to win,good giveaway

  74. Mine would be a vet and it'd call her Dottie (after doc Mcstuffins!)

  75. I would create a footballer called penny
