Lumie Bodyclock Luxe 700 - Competition

Bodyclock LUXE 700 (with LUXE 750D) is top of the Bodyclock range. LUXE 700 has a glass lamp cover and high-quality speakers for streaming your own music or radio via Bluetooth and a USB port for more audio files or for charging your phone. It also comes with over 20 wake-up and sleep sounds, from classic birdsong and waterfall recordings to background café chat and fading thunder. It's an alarm clock that mimics the light of a real sunrise so when you open your eyes you feel properly awake and refreshed. Waking like this helps to keep your sleep cycle on track and has been shown to boost mood, energy and productivity levels. At night, Bodyclock LUXE 700 has a fading sunset to help you relax and a new low-blue light feature especially for bedtime lighting. By keeping blue light to a minimum you’re ready for sleep and can drift off easily. Other features include a nightlight setting, 7-day alarm and dimmable bedside lighting. A wake-up light is not just a much nicer way to start the day but it can help beat the winter blues and is a useful complement to a lightbox in treating SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). The British Swimming team use Lumie Bodyclock to get them up bright and early for training on dark winter mornings. Features: Low-blue light feature to minimise alerting effect before bedtime Bluetooth for streaming radio or your music USB port for music playback or charging your phone Mimics the colours of a real sunrise and sunset High-quality audio Glass lamp cover Gradual sunrise and sunset from 15 to 90 minutes Variable final light intensity for a gentle or bright sunrise More than 20 optional wake-up and sleep sounds including white noise Nightlight option for fading light that stays on at low level Daily alarm or 7-day alarm Fully dimmable display / Snooze / Optional alarm beep / Power failure back-up How would you like to win a Bodyclock Luxe 700? I've teamed up with Lumie to giveaway this top of the range model worth £170! To enter simply use the Gleam form below! Good luck and don't forget to enter my other blog competitions!
Lumie Bodyclock Luxe 700 worth £170.00
Terms & Conditions.
1. There will be 1 winner who will the prize mentioned above.
2. Prize sent directly by the PR.
3. Competition ends 11/02/18.
4. Incomplete entries with be disqualified.
5. UK entries only. 


  1. I like that it mimics the colours of a real sunrise and sunset and I'd like to win this for myself.

  2. I like how the light fades at night to make you ready for sleep.

  3. This is so awsome, love the real colours of sunrise and I like the fact there are over 20 wake up and sleep sounds , fantastic way to wake up in the morning

  4. Mimics the colours of a real sunrise and sunset
    For myself and Graham Tranmer

  5. Great prize, would love this

  6. My favourite feature is the Gradual sunrise and sunset from 15 to 90 minutes especially good for dark mornings like now

  7. Sharon Marie Wormald13 January 2018 at 18:56

    I would love to win for myself...i have difficulty unwinding at night so the night light feature may really help me

  8. It has lots of great features. I particularly like ... Mimics the colours of a real sunrise and sunset

  9. My favourite feature is the gradual sunrise and sunset, and I would love to win this for my husband.

  10. This sounds fabulous. I love the feature that lets you set a 90 minute sunrise to wake up to! I would love to win this for myself

  11. i would love this for myself, the blue light for bedtime sounds great and the bluetooth for music :)

  12. I like that you can charge your phone and the sunrise light , this would be perfect for my husband as he gets up for work when its still dark outside

  13. The gradual sunrise and sunset feature :)

  14. I love the power failure back up, I already have one and they are amazing so I'd love to win one for my mum as I've mentioned mine and she would love to try one as she has terrible trouble sleeping, she usually sleeps at 4-5am then has to be up at 7am for work, I don't know how she manages to be honest xxx

  15. I like the Gradual sunrise and sunset from 15 to 90 minutes feature and would keep this for myself as I suffer from insomnia and never wake feeling refreshed.

  16. I love the 'Gradual sunrise and sunset from 15 to 90 minutes' and i'd like to win it for my eldest who is NEVER ready to leap out of bed in the morning!

  17. I like how it wakes you up gently, would love to win this for my husband.

  18. i would like to win this for my Wife and I, I like the gradual sunrise and choice of sounds to wake up to, we currently have a range of alarms that all wake us up with a startle!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. The gradual sunrise and sunset looks great, I struggle with my sleeping, so I'd love to keep it for myself to see if it helps

  21. The gradual sunrise and sunset feature would be fantastic, such an amazing idea. I would keep it for myself and my partner because we are both finding as we get older that it is more difficult to get up feeling refreshed.

  22. the gradual sunrise for myself and hubby

  23. I love that it mimics the colours of a real sunrise and sunset, and it would be great to win this for my teenaged daughter, she would absolutely love it!

  24. Love that it mimics real sunrise and sunset. I would love this for me.

  25. I love the Mimics the colours of a real sunrise and sunset. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  26. I would like to win for myself, I love that it wakes you up in a peaceful way!
    Kelly L

  27. Would love this for myself and love the gradual sunrise and sunset feature

  28. I would love to win this Lumie Bodyclock Luxe 700 for myself. My favourite feature is the choice of sounds, including white noise for going to sleep and waking up, so am sure to find something suitable.

  29. I like the Gradual sunrise and sunset from 15 to 90 minutes
    Variable final light intensity for a gentle or bright sunrise

  30. I love all the features on this thing. I *really* want one. Sooooo badly...

  31. I love the gradual sunrise and sunset feature. I would love to win this for my mum who struggles with the dark mornings and winter weather.

  32. Gradual sunrise NOT forgetting THE style

  33. Mimics the real colours of a sunrise and sunset. For myself, would be a wonderful treat.

    Rachel Craig

  34. Love all the features on this clock, i would keep it for myself, so i can wake up feeling refreshed

  35. mimics the colours of a real sunrise and sunset and I'd like to win this for myself

  36. This would be a great clock for me as I'm partially sighted & it would help to see the time as I wake rather than stumbling for the light switch, great idea!

  37. I simply love all the features of the 'Lumie':) x

    1. As a sufferer of SAD i'd love to win this for myself :) x

  38. I like the Gradual sunrise option and I'd like to win it for me!

  39. My favourite feature is the gradual sunrise and sunset

  40. The gradual sunrise and sunset is my favourite feature xx

  41. The gradual sunrise and sunset is my favourite feature. Would love to win it for me :)

  42. Oooh this would light up my life 😄
    Lovely giveaway thank you 😍

  43. I like the fact it has high quality audio and would love to win this for myself as I work shifts.

  44. I like the gradual sunrise as I struggle to wake up in the morning, I would love this for me!

  45. I love to gradual sunrise, I struggle to get to sleep which makes it hard for me to get up, so this would be perfect for me.

  46. I like the choice of wake up and sleep sounds - I'd like to win this for myself.

  47. I like the gradual sunrise and sunset, especially as it always seems to be dark at this time of year! I would love this for me and my husband!

  48. a lovely giveaway, love these.

  49. I would love this as a more tolerable and healthy option of managing sleep!

  50. I like the Fully dimmable display, my alarm clock display is so bright overnight that i have to cover it up so I cant see the time

  51. I like the low-blue light feature to minimise alerting effect before bedtime. I find blue light really affects me so have blue light filters on my mobile and laptop that are aligned with the sunrise and sunset. I'd love to win this for myself as I'm having trouble sleeping at the moment.

  52. I want to win for myself. My favourite feature is that in mimics the colours of a real sunrise and sunset.

  53. Love the sounds as it would help me sleep....would keep this for myself !

  54. The fact it mimics the colours of a real sunrise and sunset

  55. What's your favourite feature of the Bodyclock Luxe 700 and who would you like to win this for? . . . . wake up and sleep sounds, and if l were lucky enough to win l'd keep it for me

  56. I love that the light fades off at night, how relaxing! And I would gift this to my niece :D

  57. I love the idea that it mimics the colours of a real sunrise and sunset. I would keep it for myself, certainly sounds like something that would be very useful.

  58. I love the fading light aspect. It really would help me get to sleep. I suffer on a night trying to drop off and as a sufferer of SAD it would be amazing for the bleak mornings :)

  59. My favourite feature is the gradual sunrise and sunset

    If I was fortunate enough to win I would use this myself as I have heard so many good reports about these and the benefits for people like myself with Multiple Sclerosis
    Sounds like it would be perfect for making me wake up feeling more refreshed in the morning . Which would be fab as due to chronic illness I can’t remember the last time I woke from a nights sleep refreshed and feeling ready to really take on the day

  60. I find it very difficult to get up on the dark mornings, especially when I'm on the early shift at work, so this would be really beneficial to me.

  61. Love the idea of sunrise and sunset settings xx

  62. I love the idea of a slow gentle wake up each morning

  63. I love the Gradual sunrise and sunset feature xx

  64. I am impressed with having a gradual sunrise and sunset option, it would make such a difference to Winter and I am sure I would cope better

  65. My favourite feature is the Gradual sunrise and I would like to win it for myself!

  66. Sunrise light is my favourite feature! I'd love this for me. Thank you.

  67. More than 20 optional wake-up and sleep sounds including white noise...........Love to win for me !

  68. The Bluetooth and it would be for myself

  69. Would love to win in this bleak dark weather its so hard to wake ,i have a 2 year old and lately feel run down , i swear its the weather . x

  70. would keep for myself. I like its daily or 7 day alarm

  71. Would love to win this as am awful on dark mornings but my baby daughter is not! Here’s hoping! X

  72. Gradual sunrise and sunset - for me

  73. I like how it mimics the colours of a real sunrise and sunset, plus a USB port is handy! I'd like to win it for my partner who has a lot of difficulty getting up in the mornings sometimes.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. The 20 optional wake-up and sleep sounds I would love to win for my Grandson who is at Uni. I don't think he ever sees sun light

  77. bluetooth for streaming music, like it for my son james

  78. I love the gradual sunrise and I would love to win it for myself, as someone who struggles getting up in the mornings this would be a big help.

  79. The daily alarm or 7 day alarm is very important when like myself you have to get up early for work.

  80. I love the Alarm options and Power failure back-up, i would love this for my eldest Son, he's moving into his first house in a few weeks and needs anything and everything to get him up for work!

  81. My favourite feature is the optional wake-up and sleep sounds, and if I won I'd keep this for myself as I've always wanted one

  82. Awesome prize. Have always wanted one of these

  83. Would love this - have a terrible sleep routine - like the idea of sunrise and sunset colours x

  84. I'd love one of these - we get woken up by Chris Evans at the moment. At least it gets us out of bed ...
    FionaLynne Edwards

  85. Fading at night to help sleep, I am a terrible sleeper and always looking for things to help!

  86. For me and I love the idea of gradually waking up

  87. I like the fading light feature plus I would keep it for myself, thanks.

  88. I would give this to my daughter. She has always suffered in winter and finds it difficult to get up. She has had a lamp before but this seems like it has a lot more features. I like the fact that it mimics the colours of a real sunrise and sunset. :)

  89. The gradual sunrise and sunset.I would like to win for my wife.

  90. I love that it can positively help with your mood, this would be great for my husband and his struggles x

  91. The gradual sunrise sounds absolutely wonderful!

  92. I love the gradual sunrise idea, I like to wake more naturally and a harsh alarm clock when it is still complete darkness outside is really grim!

  93. Gradual sunset sounds amazing, I would love that.

  94. I've just gone back to work full time after 12 years & have banned alcohol in the week, would love to set my body clock so I get a natural good night's sleep & wake up feeling refreshed & not groggy

  95. the mimicking of a natural sunrise-and I'd like it for me to help me get up in the mornings

  96. I like that it mimics the colours of a real sunrise and sunset and is something i think i could benifit from,so thank you for the chance

  97. I love how to light fades at night, this would be amazing for my son who has asd 😄

  98. I like that it has white noise and I would give it to my husband who has trouble staying asleep.

  99. I love that it mimics the sunrise. I would love to win this for my hubby who always has trouble waking in the morning

  100. My favourite feature is the Gradual sunrise and sunset from 15 to 90 minutes as I have real trouble getting up on dark mornings.

  101. I love the gradual sunrise. I would love to win for myself. I suffer from chronic fatigue. I think this might help me wake better.

  102. I would love to win for myself, after my son had meningitis and was seriously ill for a long time, I have not slept properly. He sleeps fine! I need some kind of sleep training for grown ups! I like the choice of sounds you can wake up to (if indeed I was asleep when it went off it would be nothing short of a miracle!)

  103. I love the fact it mimics real sunrise as my current alarm scares the living daylights out of my fiance. Would be nice to wake with less of a startle and also grab a few minutes to myself before the kids get up but they usually hear the alarm as well.

  104. The gradual sunrise and sunset and if I was lucky enough to win I'm not sure about keeping it for myself or being a really nice mum and give it to my daughter

  105. it has a daily /weekly alarm so I can't forget to set it if im as forgetful as I usually am.. I would love this for myself as I usually wake with suddenly and would like a more relaxed start to the day :)

  106. For myself, I like to fall to sleep to different sounds :)

  107. my favourite feature is the sunrise light setting for morning waking and I would like to win this clock for myself, I think it would help me enormously

  108. More than 20 optional wake-up and sleep sounds including white noise

  109. Gradual sunrise option - I would love to win this for myself

  110. would love this for my husband, thanks in advance x

  111. The gradual sunrise feature and would love to win for my dad x

  112. I like how it gives gradual sunrise, i really struggle in the darker mornings.

  113. Power failure back-up is a great feature and I would like to win for my teenage daughter

  114. The gradual sunrise, I would love to win this for myself and my husband

  115. I like the colours of a real sunrise and sunset i would use it for myself

  116. the blue light for bedtime sounds great

  117. The gradual sunrise and sunset sound great. I struggle to get to sleep and I'm even worse at waking back up once I do get to sleep. I'd love to win this for myself. X

  118. I need this, I am rubbish at waking up in the morning anything to help is gratefully received to get myself into a routine.

  119. Gradual sunrise and sunset from 15 to 90 minutes is my favourite feature.I would like to win it for my sister Karen who is a postal worker and has to get up in the early hours of the morning whilst it's still dark.It'd nicer to wake up to than the typical alarm clock.

  120. I love the gradual change and the sunrise colours, it sounds very relaxing. I would love it for me as I have terrible sleep patterns.

  121. I always have trouble sleeping and getting up thought this would be worth a try

  122. I always have trouble sleeping and getting up thought this would be worth a try

  123. I always have trouble sleeping and getting up thought this would be worth a try

  124. I always have trouble sleeping and getting up thought this would be worth a try

  125. I always have trouble sleeping and getting up thought this would be worth a try

  126. it's human centric properties

  127. I am not a morning person and waking up is a bit traumatic sometimes, so I'd love to win this for me, please!
    I especially like the range of sounds to wake up to gently- anything beats the electronic shriek of my partner's digital alarm clock... *shudder*

  128. I like the gradual sunrise and sunset. I would love to win for my mum

  129. I love the fact that it has Bluetooth and a power failure back up.

  130. I like that it mimics the colours of a real sunrise and sunset and I'd like to win this for my husband because he really struggles to get up!

  131. I love that it recreates the colours of sunrise and would make waking up in the morning much more comforting and relaxing, exactly what I need!

  132. I love the gradual sunrise feature and would love to win this for my husband as he has to get up for work really early in the morning

  133. I love that this comes with a USB port!

  134. my mum works nights so the gradual sunset and sunrise feature would be great for her

  135. I love the power failure back up, happened a few times where my alarm hasn't gone off and I've been late because the electric went off in the night

  136. this would be the most relaaaaaaaaxing way to wake, I'd love it!

  137. Like the idea of the fading sunset to help you relax a sunrise feature sounds intriguing rather than the screeching 6.30 alarm call. I would gift to my sister who is the worst sleeper I know

  138. I love the low blue light feature and would love to win it for myself x

  139. I would give this to my dad as he has low Vitamin D. and love the Bluetooth and USB port

  140. Love to win this for my mother in law, who has SAD

  141. I like the Gradual Lighting idea. I'd like to try this for myself, since I have Delayed sleep phase disorder.

  142. the Low-blue light feature to minimize alerting effect before bedtime woule give this to teen daughter to see if it would help her Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME)

  143. I like the new low-blue light feature especially for bedtime lighting because I don't like to sleep in pitch dark. I would keep this for myself as I have a very bad sleeping pattern due to illnesses including chronic fatigue.

  144. I would like to win this for my mum and my favourite features is that it can play white noise.

  145. I think it would have to be the gradual sunrise. I like to rise early to get a few things done before the kids wake up but in the winter when it's dark it's a real drag and I just want to stay in bed. A gradual sunrise effect would help me wake naturally and it wouldn't be so harsh on those dark cold mornings ! Thanks :)

  146. I like the wake-up and sleep sounds and it would be for me!

  147. I particularly like that you can use it to charge your phone. I think I would be keeping this for myself if I were lucky enough to win.

  148. ould like to win this for me and my husband

  149. I'd use this for my daughter, she's very anxious and has trouble sleeping.

  150. My favourite feature is the gradual sunrise and sunset and i would love this for my Mum in law.

  151. I'd like to win this for me as I like how it mimics sunrise.

  152. I like the fact the bpdyclock recreates the colours of sunrise and if I won I would keep it for myself as I suffer from SAD and I think the bodyclock would be a tremendous help.

  153. I Think the Gradual Sunrise is a Fabulous Feature . It might just sort out my Sleeping problems . I hate Miserable Gloomy Days . I Cannot Sleep . Yet on a Sunshine holiday . I,m Fine Sunshine And I,m out like a light 😃

  154. I love that it mimics the colours of sunrise and sunset as I just adore to watch both as I find it so relaxing. I'd love to win this for me as my sleep is appalling so would like to try this to try and help that.

  155. I like the more than 20 optional wake up/sleep sounds, especially the wake up ones. Some noises that jolt me awake set me up for a bad time for the rest of the day.

  156. Blue light for bedtime is a good idea. Wind down more easily. I'd love it for my wife but I'd obviously share as well being in the same room!

  157. I love how it naturally wakes you up!

    Sophie B x

  158. Michael Botzaropoulos16 January 2018 at 12:39

    For me it's the white noise. As a child I lived in a noisy city and was used to going to sleep to noise, now, living in a quiet village, I can find it difficult to fall asleep in the silence!

  159. I love all the different sounds you can wake up to .

  160. would love to win this light - its such a smart product with great sight and visual features

  161. I love the Bluetooth features, and that it has over 20 soothing noises. I'd like to win it for more daughter who is 17, she has Mental Health problems, and does not always get her Vit D boost, so this would really help. thanks for the chance

  162. i love the fact that it mimics the colours of a sunrise/sunset. I'd like to win for myself please

  163. This comment has been removed by the author.

  164. I like that it has more than 20 optional wake-up and sleep sounds including white noise. I would like to win for myself as I have trouble sleeping.

    Hazel Rea - @beachrambler

  165. The gradual sunrise and I would love to win for myself.

  166. The music feature is a great addition

  167. I like the gradual sunrise and sunset -I hate to be jarred by a sudden bright light when one of us switches the bedroom light on

  168. I like how the light fades at night to make you ready for sleep,I would give it to my niece as the doctor has recommended she gets one

  169. I love how it mimics sunrise and sunset, like a gentle waking and easing you into a good nights sleep. I think I would keep this for myself because I struggle a lot to get a good nights sleep.

  170. I love the gradual sunrise. I would keep it for myself. I work nights.

  171. The fading light at night sounds perfect, this would be great for my hubby and I

  172. Love the Nightlight option for fading light that stays on at low level. I would also keep it for myself.

  173. This would make winter so much more manageable, such a clever invention!

  174. The gradual sunrise and sunset from 15 to 90 minutes would be great for me. I would go for the 90 minutes.

  175. Love the idea of waking up to birdsong with a natural sunrise light!

  176. Never seen one before.

  177. Love that it can play white noise

  178. Love the gradual sunrise feature xx

  179. I love the sunrise and sunset features. I like the idea of a gradual wake up!

  180. I love the white noise feature.

  181. Love the gradual sunrise and sunset feature, I'd love to win it for myself

  182. I love it wakes you up naturally and I would deffo keep this for myself.

  183. I like that it mimics the colours of a real sunrise and sunset

  184. I would love it for myself and like the night light feature to help me drift off

  185. The gradual sunrise sounds brilliant nothing worse than been suddenly woken

  186. I like that it mimics the colours of a real sunrise and sunset. I would love to win it for myself.

  187. Fantastic prize sounds fab xx

  188. The sunrise and sunset features sound great. Just what my hubby needs so would love to win this for him x

  189. I'd love this for it's slow wake up feature which might help my son get up on time in a better mood!

  190. The gradual sunrise, I need that! What a great little device!

  191. Wow! Sounds amazing! #21stCenturyTechnology! Love it!

  192. The gradual sunrise sounds amazing - I would keep this for my husband and I 💜🌞

  193. Love that it Mimics the colours of a real sunrise and sunset. Would love this for myself, falling asleep is always a struggle

  194. I love the 7 day alarm, perfect for my husband

  195. Nadege Bertieaux19 January 2018 at 19:23

    Hello, thanks for this competition! It seems amazing ��

  196. My favourite feature is Gradual sunrise and sunset from 15 to 90 minutes. I would love to win this for myself as I struggle with sleeping/waking and hope this would make a huge improvement for myself and my long suffering husband who has to listen to my 3 alarm clocks go off every morning"

  197. The gradual sunrise would be great. I'd love this for my son who is hopeless at getting up in the morning!
