Trying To Conceive My Two Children

Trying to conceive, they call it a journey for a reason. It's a decision which will change your life forever and is an experience which is filled with so many different emotions, no matter the outcome. Noah and Ava were meticulously planned and I have fond memories of our experience. Although they are still young, it still feels like a lifetime ago that we decided to start a family.

When we started trying for our first baby we knew that it could take months or years to fall pregnant, but we were very fortunate for it to happen right away. With it being my first pregnancy and with everything happening so fast I was understandably quite nervous. I googled everything and was constantly symptom spotting.

Thankfully my pregnancy with Noah was very straightforward, minus a little spotting in the first trimester. As a first time expectant Mother, I was dreaming of a peaceful water birth but that wasn't meant to be. I was induced, a week before my due date due to his movements changing. It was a long and drawn out process but after 3 days in the hospital, he was born. He weighed a 7lb 2oz and was the sweetest thing I'd ever laid eyes on. Holding him for the first time, I'd never felt a love like it.

Fast forward three years and we decided to start trying for another baby. We felt it was the right time as we didn't want a huge age gap between our children and we envisioned ourselves as a family of four. As I fell pregnant so fast with Noah we thought the chances of it happening again were slim to none. I didn't dare to look at any statistics and instead went in feeling excited and hopeful. Yet, it happened again, we fell pregnant straight away. My friends joke that Nick only has to look at me and I'll fall pregnant. 

My pregnancy with Ava was a little harder on my body, perhaps because I already had a three-year-old to look after and it had already gone through the wars in my first labour. I was overdue this time around and although my waters broke, my contractions never started. This resulted in another long and drawn out induction, but my darling Ava was born safe and sound, weighing a whopping 9lb 4oz. I wish you could bottle up that feeling that you get when you have you meet your new baby for the very first time.

We know that we were lucky to fall pregnant so quickly as it's not so simple for some couples, for a whole host of different reasons. I have friends who have really struggled to fall pregnant over the years and on many occasions I've willed it to be easier for them. 

I know people who've really struggled the first time around but then fell pregnant very quickly on their 2nd, 3rd, and 4th baby. I have friends in same-sex relationships who have big decisions to make before they even start trying to conceive, such as how lesbian couples decide which of them will conceive and the experience of using sperm banks. Lastly, I have friends who have waited until they are older to start their family, who've then struggled to fall pregnant due to what they put down to as their age.

Trying to conceive is one heck of a journey but one thing is for sure, those babies are sure worth it! Do you have any trying to conceive stories that you'd like to share with me?


  1. Nice for you to have a record of your journey. The children, as well as your blog readers can benefit from you sharing your experiences. Yes, as you say some do get pregnant shortly after deciding on starting a family. I know some that took time with first baby, only to get pregnant quickly with second baby. Others try for years, are unsuccessful, adopt, and then later get pregnant naturally. Each experience can be so different, and so precious. Yes, an emotional journey for couple, and those close to them.

    Nice to have a family history record for your children. Good for them to know that they were very much wanted. Planned for, prepared for.

    Rachel Craig

  2. I am highly fertile like you and catch straight away, I caught on the pill with Mollie which I took religiously,so I'm now back on the pill implant, like you I sailed through my pregnancy on Connor, he was born at 35 weeks weighing 6.15, Megan was the worst pregnancy, I had sickness all the way through, she was born on her due date waying 7.6, then Mollie was an easy pregnancy until I was 8 days over, those 8 days felt like months, she was 7lb exactly born xxx

  3. Planning a family, an important, exciting and emotional time.

    Rachel Craig

  4. We were fortunate it happened quickly for us too

  5. you are very lucky to fall pregnant quickly it took us quite a few months to fall pregnant, we planning to try for next one from summer next year
