Supporting Your Child Through Exam Period

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If your child has exams coming up and is in need of some extra support, it’s essential to provide them with the right space, tools, and guidance to help them in one of the most stressful times for children. In this guide from a nursery in Taunton, we take a look at some ways you can help your child with their exams.

Provide them with the means to study quietly
This goes beyond the essentials of having a table and chair to work with. Have a dedicated space for your child to work. If you don’t have a study area in your home then look to make a space in your living room or kitchen for your child to work in, or make a space in their bedroom to work (so long as you remove distractions!)

A quiet space means the study space should be away from loud noises, so if you have lots of children running around or the TV turned all the way up at times, then your child’s studying space should be away from these distractions so that they can focus.

Set up their space so they can get straight into studying
After dinner children probably want to jump into studying. It’s a quick and easy motivation for your child to get into the groove of when they’re meant to be revising hard for exams, and it can get them into a good routine. Ensure that all they need to do is head to their desk with their books and writing materials so that there’s minimal fuss and they can start revising straight away.

If you can, get an organiser for all of their books, or a box or drawers to place exactly where their books are by subject so that they can jump in and grab what they need before revising. This also gives them the motivation at the start of their revision session to get things done and in a timely manner.

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