The mind of a child is a wondrous thing. Looking at the way kids think from an adult’s perspective, it’s amazing to think we were all like that once upon a time. As an adult, it’s inevitable that we look at things in terms of what’s realistic and manageable. And while it is one of our jobs to help our children manage the transition from the naivete of childhood to the realities of adult life, it is important that we don’t bruise their enthusiasm or compassion while doing that. Childhood, among other things, is when people have their most formative experiences. Many factors, from responsibilities to biological realities, mean that by the age of 30 we are to a greater or lesser extent the person we’re going to be for the rest of our lives. It makes sense, then, that we should give our kids the broadest possible choice as to how they develop while that spectrum is still available to them. And so the following tips are worth following if you have a young child and want to help them find their path.
Admit when you don’t know something
You likely remember the feeling when you were a kid that if you didn’t know something, you’d just ask an adult. After all, they seemed to have gained all the knowledge you still didn’t have. It’s only when you reach adolescence that you start to realise adults are fallible. To make this realisation easier on your child, be ready to answer their knowledge-searching questions honestly. If you don’t know how clouds are formed or why there are different time zones, don’t cobble together an explanation out of hunches and guesswork. Say “You know what, I don’t know either. Let’s find out together!”. This helps teach the lesson that you can always learn more about the world.
Travel helps broaden the mind
In much of the English-speaking world, the teaching of language is not attempted seriously until children are in secondary school, and it’s hard not to feel that we miss out as a result. When you’ve spent 11 years thinking of a pen as a pen, it’s strange to believe anyone thinks of it as un stylo or ein Kugelschreiber. It’s a good idea to take the opportunity of educational travel from an early age and allow your kids to see how things are done - and said - in other countries. This is an important chance to teach the lesson that the world is a varied and diverse place.
Encourage curiosity and enthusiasm
There are many educational paths one can take to the career of their dreams. Picking the right elective subjects can help direct a teenager towards a future as a vet, a musician or an astronaut - but the people who tend to do these jobs best are the ones who have felt the pull from an early age. If your child shows a fascination with a certain career, or just a subject area, encourage that enthusiasm. You can spend years hinting them towards a career as a lawyer or a doctor, but if they have a natural affinity with something then you can push at an open door and help them collect the knowledge necessary to follow that path. Always be ready to talk with them about any subject and gain a full, rounded perspective early on.
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