Mummy & Me - March

This year I made a point of joining in with new linky's as I have always enjoyed them but never really stuck at them before. I already take part in Project 365, Little Loves, My Sunday Photo, Cloth Nappy Love and now I have come across another! 

My good friend Nicola from Life Through My Eyes has created a brand new linky called Mummy and Me. I love taking photo's just as much as the next Mummy blogger so the idea behind this linky is right up my street! A photo of myself and Noah every month of the year! It will be great to see how much he changes and probably how I remain the same, ha ha. 

Here is our first Mummy & Me entry, March 2015.

I took this photo while we were on our holiday at Bluestone. Noah was rather excited as we were about to visit Folly Farm! I look a little tired but traveling miles and miles by car will do that to you, nothing a coffee won't fix! 

See you next month!


  1. I love his cheesy little grin, such a lovely photo :) cx

  2. This is such a lovely photo Jenna. Noah is such a handsome little boy and he has a beautiful smile. Folly Farm is fab isn't it? xx

  3. That photo is beautiful and the wetaher looks fantastic! x

  4. ah what a cutie, pic looks so natural and not set up :) xx

  5. Beautiful photo, and a fab sounding linky. May have to pop by next month. #MadMidWeekBlogHop

  6. Lovely photo.


  7. You both look gorgeous. So glad you joined in! Thank you for linking up lovely lady #mummyandme xx

  8. Gah, to cute! Look at the wee mans wee scrunched up happy face! Gorgeous photo you guys. Thanks for linking up with #MMWBH x
