I thought I would put together a bucket list of ways I would like to pamper myself. By having this list it will give me something to work to and it will also remind me to take a break and have a pamper every now and again. So here it is, my pamper to do list.
1. Have a spa day.
Pools, steam rooms and hot tubs, oh my! One thing I have always wanted to do is go to a spa. I've never heard a single negative comment when it comes to a decent spa day. I hear they work wonders and a wonder is what I need! I have been browsing through local spa's and I'm hoping I can book myself into one soon or hope that a nice relative will read this post near Christmas time! *hint hint*
2. Do yoga.
I used to practice yoga years ago and found it not only great for my fitness and posture but it was also extremely relaxing. After not stretching in years and after having a baby I think it may be a struggle to get back into the swing of it but it will be worth it. Like they say, no pain no gain.
3. Get a hair cut.
I've had the same hair style for as long as I can remember and I am in dire need of a drastic change. I have been thinking about going blonde and getting a long bob but I think that may be a little much considering my hair is long and dark. All I know is I need a change!
4. Paint my nails.
Something as simple as sitting down and giving myself a manicure once a week makes me feel great and I must of painted my nails twice in the past year. It's something that doesn't take long and something that I intend to do at least once a week.
5. Trip to the salon.
Ever since having Noah my skin has felt so tired and dull. I've always had combination skin where it's dry yet oily and it's so difficult to find a product which works with my skin. I would love to have a professional facial or skin peel in the near future as I think my tired complexion could really benefit from it.
6. Go to bed before 10pm.
This is something I really need to work on because if I am in bed before midnight it's a miracle. I have always been a night owl and find myself deciding to tackle all my chores the minute the sun goes down. This doesn't really work when you have a toddler waking up at the crack of dawn. The ultimate pamper treat for me would have to be an early night!
What is your favourite way to pamper yourself?
I really love your list of tasks for every mom that really essential.