Setting Up the Ideal Study Space for Your Child

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Creating an effective study space for your child can mean the difference between study time being fruitful or futile. Your home is full of potential distractions and after a long day at school, it won’t take a lot for your child’s mind to wander onto other things. To help them get the most out of their homework and revision time, a prep school in London has shared their tips on how to set up an ideal study space.

Wherever you set up your study space, the first job should be to remove any potential distractions. No mobile phones or electronic devices. Full-blown procrastination could only be one notification away, so remove this temptation altogether by getting your child to leave their devices outside of the study space, allowing for full concentration on the task at hand.

Reinforce the work mentality by getting them to sit at a desk or table. A dining room table can often do the trick, keeping them in ‘work mode’, whereas sitting on the sofa encourages them to relax and slack-off. Their own bedroom can often be problematic as there are a lot of distractions within reaching distance. However, if there isn't any other option, or you feel that this is where they are most likely to get peace and quiet, then at least make sure they have a desk so that they don't have to study on their bed. Not only could studying from the bed encourage them to lounge around rather than focus, but it might also create sleep problems as your child will associate their bed with work and study.

Make sure they have all the necessary books and supplies on hand in their study space. If they have a desk, then keep everything organised in the desk drawer or in a storage box underneath. If they're working from the dining room table then have a box or bag with all their equipment ready to go. Getting up to search for a pencil or a certain book can waste a lot of time and allow their focus to stray.

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