5 Educational Activities for the Summer Holidays

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Learning loss is something that concerns both parents and teachers while children are off school. There is a prolonged period of time where their brains aren’t active which can affect their progress once they get back to school. To avoid this, teachers set homework while parents try to keep all other elements of their day-to-day the same by sending their child to a holiday club or homeschooling. There are other ways in which you can minimise the effect of learning loss as a school in Halstead shares.

Fixing the garden together as a family not only frees you some time but it teaches children about nature and how to nurture the things that are a part of it. They can learn about areas of science in the process such as plant biology and develop a green finger.

Visit a Local Farm
A farm is an example of another place that can teach your child about the natural world and help them to develop a connection with it. They can see animals in real life, and learn about what they are and where our food comes from.

Visit Family
There is no better time to travel and visit family that live further afield than the holidays. You don’t need to worry about interference with their school schedule and can make full use of the time. While it's a social cause and helps to strengthen family bonds, it can educate children about the importance of family and taking care of them.

Visit Museums
They are great places for inspiration and can give children the opportunity to come face to face with the things that they have learned about at school, enriching their learning.

Why not help your child to pick up a new skill during the holidays? Cooking is a vital life skill and can help children with their education as maths and science are involved.

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