Noah's first Easter

The past couple of days have been so much fun, I've loved every second! Nick has been off work with us for the bank holiday and Easter weekend and we have taken full advantage of the extra family time! 

On Good Friday we took Noah to the zoo for the very first time. It was a lovely sunny but awfully busy day! We can't wait to take him back when he is a little older so he is able to enjoy it more. 

Saturday we introduced Noah to paints and made some beautifully messy Easter cards (which I will be blogging all about soon). We then spent the afternoon at the park with Noah's Auntie, Uncle and Cousin which he loved! 

Easter Sunday we got up and I gave Noah his Easter present which was a cute bunny teddy in a basket. I had intended on making him an Easter basket but thought he was too young but by the time I realised I could make one suitable for his age it was too late. I was trawling through dozens of shops in town and there was hardly anything left. Next year I will have to make an extra special one as I love the whole occasion gift basket traditions that I've seen so many people do.

We then spent the afternoon visiting my Dad, his partner and my two brothers for a catch up. They had bought him a lovely teddy bear for Easter which Noah instantly took a liking to as he loves his cuddly toys. Then it was off to my Mum's for tea with my other brother and sister. My Mum was a bit unconventionally and made us a curry for a tea, which was delicious! My Mum had bought him some Easter gifts too, books and a teddy! He's a very lucky boy. 

Today we have had a rather chilled out day in comparison to the past couple of days. The three of us had a lie in till around 10am and then we relaxed at home till after lunch time. We went on a lovely family walk in the woods. I took my DSLR and got some snaps too (which I will also be blogging about). 

Who knows what we will be up to tomorrow! We are thinking of going somewhere on a day out though as it will be Nick's last day off before he has to return to work but I would be equally happy having a lazy day with his busy we've been lately! 

What have you guys been up to over the Easter break? 


  1. Seriously, how big is he getting?! Too cute. Sounds like you had a lovely Easter x

  2. How adorable!!! Sounds like Noah had an amazing first Easter! xx

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