Packing for our trip to Wales - My essentials

As I mentioned on my last post, our trip to Wales is just a week away now! It's time to for me to start preparing everything that we need to take a long with us. I have my pen and paper ready to start the dozen of lists that I need to write but I thought I would also put together a blog post of some of the items too. 

The drive to Wales is a long one and we estimate it to take us 6 hours to get there. Noah has never traveled longer than an hour in the car before and we think it could end up being a nightmare but we are remaining positive. I wrote about Noah's in car essentials but here are mine too. After all I am going to have to have something with me to keep me sane! 

My in car essentials-

1. My phone! Goes without saying really as it's permanently attached to the end of my arm. It will be great to be able to check social media and emails whilst my partner drives us there.

2. Under the Dome by Stephen King. Believe it or not but I actually started reading this book back when I was pregnant and I aimed to finish it before he was born. I kind of forgot about it even though I was hooked from the get-go. I will be taking it a long with me not just for the drive but to read in the evenings too.

3. My trusty old Nikon DSLR. I've had this camera for 7 years now and it's just needed for our first family holiday! 

My outdoor clothing essentials-

1. Tunic Jumper - With the weather being so cold at the minute I practically live in jumpers. This tunic dress is just my cup of tea, it looks super soft and would be perfect under a parka or other heavy duty coat. 

2. Cable Knit Dress - I know you either love them or hate them but I do have to admit I am a fan of jumper dresses. I like to team them up with a pair of thick tights and a chunky pair of boots. Perfect for keeping warm but staying slightly stylish too. 

3. Polka Dot Cardigan - I found this cardigan when browsing online, how cute is it? I do like polka dot and I think the print really suits the dainty style of the cardigan. I'm not sure on what colour I would go for though? 

These are just some of the items on my current wishlist but there is still so much left to buy so I need your help! What are your outdoor fashion essentials?


  1. You definitely need sweets for in the car too :) I am dreading the journey! x

  2. Loving these posts. Will come in handy when we go x

  3. Great essentials - love my Nikon DSLR too!


  4. i love all stephen king books so thats a great call
