Stream Team, Slimming World and Saving Wishes - 14/52 - #littleloves

I am still reading a book called Saving Wishes. It's about a young girl in Australia who dreams of escaping her small hometown. It started off good but instead of getting better and better it's just dragging. I think there are other books in this series but I doubt I will be buying those. 

I'm finally up to date with Revenge! I don't know why I stopped watching in the first place but I am glad I picked up where I left off. It's been a whirlwind as ever and I was shocked to find out this season will be the last one!

I had my extremely long hair cut this week so I have been wearing my hair a lot shorter. I had about 9/10 inches cut off but it still feels really long to me. My hair was down my back but now it's chest level.


I still can't get enough of this song, a year later. It makes me want to jump on an plane and go on holiday! Such a relaxing song.


I started Slimming World again on Tuesday so I have been making lots of Slimming World friendly meals; Pizza topped chicken, chilli, roast dinner, baked potatoes and more. I was good all week but Friday night I had a little blip and ate some crisps and chocolate, eek.

And lastly
I've been asked to join the Netflix Stream Team! Anyone who knows me will know how perfect this role is to me as I am obsessed with film and TV. I'm honoured to be a part of it and can't wait for what's in store! #StreamTeam


  1. Your hair is gorgeous - I'm so jealous!

    Waves is one of my favourite songs, I remember rocking Jasmine to it when she was a teeny tiny newborn around this time last year. I still do it now. :)

    Steam team sounds fab, look forward to hearing what you watch. :)

    Well done on your mostly good week on slimming world - I'm really loving it so far. Ate out today though. Whoops!

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  2. Oh wow! I have never used Netflix, so envious of that role - you'll be ace! Your hair was so, so long! Incredibly that it looks so great condition even though it has grown so much x

  3. Pizza topped chicken - what an inspired idea! I used to watch revenge all the time, can't quite keep track of what's happened in the last series or so...looks as dramatic as ever :) hope you're having a lovely Easter xx

  4. I love Revenge and I didn't know this was going to be the last series. Although I will be sad to see it go I do think it's time it was all wrapped up. There's only so much Revenge you can take xx

  5. You're hair looks amazing! I am still trying to grow mine but it seems to have stopped now!
    How awesome to be part of the Netflix Stream Team!

  6. Love your hair! I wish mine was long, I just never seem to have the patience to let it grow! xx

  7. All those food pics look lovely!! Love your hair! I need mine doing! x
