One of the first major jobs on our renovation list was to start on the kitchen. The old kitchen needed to be ripped out and gutted. All the cabinets, the tiles, the floor. You name it, it getting taken out! So the day after we got the keys we were straight in there. We needed a blank canvas for the new kitchen that we ordered just a few days later.
This was the kitchen the day we go the keys. Very dated. So dated in fact it was last done in 1973, we found the kitchens receipt in the back of one of the cabinets.
The day after we got the keys everything was gutted. All the cabinets and cupboards were ripped out, dismantled and taken to the tip. The tiles were hammered off the wall. All the waste was swept up and thrown away. Kitchen floor was taken up.
After everything was thrown out we finally see the kitchen's bare bones, stripped back to bare bricks. They found a bit of damp at the back of the cabinets so all the plaster needed to come off the walls.
The back wall was then damp proofed and plaster board went up.
The back wall was then plastered and Noah came to have a look at his house's progress, he was having a good nosey around. We were waking around the house with him and I lost my balance, nearly tripped and he started laughing his head off at me. He was so happy and smiley whilst we were having a look around. He must know that this is his new home, the house he is going to grow up in.
There was an electric fire in the kitchen as the house has never had central heating. We didn't need that fire so it was taken out, sold and Grandad began closing it up. It was sealed with breeze block's then plastered but with a vent as air needs to circulate.
The other side of the kitchen. It's a very long kitchen and not that narrow either but on pictures it seems to look smaller.
Our new kitchen arrived today. We unpacked it all, attached the legs and set the frames up to where they are going to go which will make the fitting of the kitchen flow much more smoothly.
Hopefully by the end of the week our new kitchen will be fitted and we can begin painting, tiling and flooring the room! I'm so excited, I can't wait to see the end result!
Wow! You've done amazingly!! I cannot wait to see it finished x